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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. what? what's getting creepy?

  2. Edited - Added: Custom Headgears Quest Items to selling list
  3. What? Sorry, i don't quite get it.
  4. You're a nice guy ;)

  5. Edited - Added Kiel Card to selling list.
  6. Edited - Removed: Bought Non Slotted Ice Pick
  7. Bump
  8. Edited - Removed: Forsaken Dungeon Pass
  9. Purple emp is not 3k?
  10. Edited - Removed 2x Gloom to buying list
  11. Edited - Removed: Sinx Card to buying list.
  12. I don't use ROP myself, but I do like the current appearance of our ROP at this moment.
  13. Edited - Added: 2x Gloom to buying list
  14. Alright alright, sheesh.
  15. Kwik-E Mart Buying: Nothing at the moment Selling: Baphomet Card [10] 2x Dexterity Belt [80ea] Assassin Cross Card [40] Custom Headgear Quest Items 200 Yellow Herb 200 Blue Herb 1000 Little Evil Horn 1000 Little Evil Wings 500 Ancient Lips 800 Earthworm Peelings 1000 Drops Card 800 Rune of Darkenss Trading: Nothing at the moment PS: The cost of the custom headgear quest items goes for the price of 100:1 If buying or selling anything, please post here or pm me on Fatal Death your offer. Thanks
  16. How much for Raccoon Tail?
  17. There's a movie called Ants on a plane?
  18. Bump
  19. bump.
  20. Bump.
  21. 3000 or trade to Purple + 1000. Post here or pm me on Fatal Death
  22. Happy birthday Amorous!
  23. I believe Thana doesn't affect Asura that much.
  24. LOL Jelly so paranoid.
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