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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. Grats Jay (:
  2. I like your rose (:
  3. Born2punish


    Never mind bought (:
  4. Bump (:
  5. Happy Birthday Emi! (:
  6. Great Movie, looking forward to Deathly Hallows (:

  8. Orange Emp Pandaring Sack 400 Coupons Leave offers here, or pm me ingame Fatal Death ~thanks
  9. Vote for #5, signature is well made. Made Spiderman only using letters, every single bit of it. Eye-catching too (: Good job participants.
  10. bump
  11. Bump
  12. Selling: 1k Little Evil Horns 1k Little Evil Wings 1k Drops 500 Tounges 500 Ancient Lips 800 Earthworm Peelings 800 Rune of Darkness 500 Grapes 500 Green herb 200 Blue Herb 200 Yellow herbs All Prices are 100:1 pm me on Fatal Death or leave your offers here
  13. Thanks More comments?
  14. Bump (:
  15. Anymore comments? Thanks for the support :D
  16. 2 Skillcapes, fletching + Strength Combat level 114
  17. Bump
  18. Yeah true, but it would be nice having that option.
  19. Yeah I got it from Runescape
  20. BuMp
  21. You should've said yeah, and tell him your location.
  22. Don't you hate when people spam you with PMs? Even though you have the option to put /ex "Name" or /Exall on, but once you log out and log on again, they have the power to speak to you again! Ignore list works the same as /ex "name" but it can last forever, unless you take them off the list. even if you log out and then log on again, the person who is in the ignore list are still blocked. Right click the person, the same method as " add friend " but this time, have an option that says, " add to ignore list " or if the person is not near you, click on their name on the whisper box and have an option that says " add to ignore list " Comments?
  23. idgi.
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