lala hello, im asian, WOE is something i would love to participate in, and i doubt that there will be any "perfecT" time for all of us, no discrimination, you guys are lucky living in a time zone where u can partipate in woe without too much of a problem, WOE is one of the biggest aspects of RO, and i would like to be a party of it, if we cant have diff castles for people from different time zones thats fine, but can u atleast move it up a few hours, or down a few hours, im sure we can make some adjustments of you can =) there are GM's online all the time, and GvG could be possible hosted twice?, i dont know how it would work, i dont even know if its possible, just a thought, it would be great if change was made to the timings.....
or nvm, we can all just sit and chill with athena all day :)