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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. still in south carolina. coming back on sunday.

  2. Thanksgiving break. Leaving today! Be back on Sunday. Going to South Carolina.

  3. Try re-plugging all of them and restart your computer.
  4. When the patcher opens up, you click start right? And it doesn't load you into the log-in screen? Do you have speakers or anothing other usb stuff connecting to your pc?
  5. You guys are awesome. And Genie's boobs... I can't stop staring.
  6. You guys almost done?

  7. Perishable


    I'll help. :D welcome to the server
  8. Perishable


    Welcome to fRO! There won't be racism here :)
  9. You guys are all :O. Genie is ... OMG LOL.
  10. Perishable


    They are very cute. Hope to see them in game!
  11. Sauce, Genie, Pepper, Aerith, Taninee, Alastrina, and Alex English. Meet me in game. I'll level up all of you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Genie


      an hour more to go

    3. Pepper


      I haven't even started. :(

    4. Lady Signum

      Lady Signum

      Hey I finally made it, the slowest of the new girls...

  12. Perishable

    Hey :)

    Welcome to the server emily. I've heard you brought like 5 friends with you here! :D
  13. Perishable


    Like, seriously? I Fucking hate PMing stupid people. When broadcasting buying or selling stuff, don't reply with shit you don't even know what's going on. Today, while I was alt tabbed on Facebook, someone broadcasted buying Friggs you offer. I PM him that i'm selling frigg's shield for 1800. He replied with "I am reporting you as well." Go ahead? I don't give a fuck? Report me for what? Geez. I hate people that think i'm scared. He also /exall. People have serious issue lately.
  14. Jorge, we're on Topic. It is related to Lord Knight Black Halberd.
  15. Good enough already or no valk weapons at all.
  16. Perishable

    New Elite Set

    I'd rather use this set than Forsaken King's Set. SO I disagree with the sets.
  17. Well, if they do put this shit back. I'm going to learn and main Lord Knight. Cause most of the classes cannot balance a fight with Lord Knight.
  18. Perishable


    Green Rune of Power & Pink Rune of Power.
  19. Hi Uncle. You need to come back. I'll give you back everything that was yours. Including your characters ;3

  20. Since all servers aren't the same. Some server's Emperium are part Boss type monster. About 5% part Boss NPC/Monster. Property: Holy Lv.1, Size : Small, Race: Angel. This server's Emperium HP is 250,000,000. Effective cards: Orc Skeleton, Desert Wolf, Gloom Under Night, Turtle General, Fallen Bishop Hibram, Thanatos Card. Weapon: Ice Pick, Daggers. Dagger is best for double attack skill. (Assassin Cross)
  21. Thanatos Invasion is beginning to piss me off. Too many of thanatos running around in for_fild01, causing me to lag and shit.
  22. 1,000 Token.
  23. The Lord Knight Black Halberd is not nerf at all. The 200% more damage with Spiral Pierce was adjusted down to 100% from what I heard. Speaking of balancing class, all of the classes right now are all unbalanced. So we cannot really talk about balance.
  24. Welcome to fRO! Another John in the server :3. Enjoy your stay :)
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