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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dudu

  1. Nice update guys! Those rings are kinda broken tho, i think that we gotta re-check them again, that slot could be reaaaaally op in certain classes! Edit: Belts weight 800 now???? O_O Holy craaapp.
  2. Dudu


    Man, with an introduction like this, id totally not be playing fRO lol. Welcome to fRO
  3. Dudu

    Volupsa Staff.

    Uhh sorry for the delay, and hmmm, it actually "helped" a little bit, for example, before the patch, my stave used to do 11k, now it makes 13k lol. But if you use the new matk% items like Butt aura and the Cape, you can get a good 16k i guess. Not the best dmg but it makes the opponent burn a few ygg's
  4. Dudu

    Volupsa Staff.

    They did it already Meka :o
  5. Well Veracity, id say our Expansion quest ( Friggs and Knight set ) No lag, the new rates, thana rate, lots of events, you know, things that little kids love. haha. Also no Donation exclusives, and kind "good" economy :333333
  6. Yo Veracity I was looking at XtremeTop100.com in the RO section, and i looked for our server and, the description i think its the same since 07-08. So i think that editing that and adding more things that we actually have atm, would make it a little bit more attractive. Just saying tho.
  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, i wanted to share my acc info!! >:( HEHE
  8. Nice Update o; Any effects on the new Irish hats?
  9. Pfft, Ignore Bishop! Don't use Flashget! Use Jdownloader, its cooler and better :3 ( ily Bishop :D )
  10. Well its like, Acid Bottles run out pretty quickly, you can spend like 2-3k in a duel, meanwhile in sniper and GS's you just need 1 ( 10 for GS ) and they can skillshot and normal atk forever, so i think lowering the price would be waay better o;
  11. So i was thinking, since the Original RO is atm on 3rd jobs and stuff ( I know they are still on testing and blablabla ) But it would be totally cool if we could have like a test server, in which we can just use the original items ( no customs ) with w/e rates or lvls ( just to make it easier ) And see how the jobs are and stuff, the skills and what not. What do you guys think?
  12. I dont really mind with this since, i play proffesor 24/7 and i dont have space to put my gears in my skill bar, because they are all full and i use everysingle skill that its on it. This is pretty useful tho, it will help alot with gear changing, and it will increases people survival ingame.
  13. Fkin nice wings, love them all! Thanks alot Barbie!!
  14. Guys!! Remember to Update your clients if you want to see the new added hats!! I mean, the ones that Gen added a few hours ago! Super Awesome update, love the hats!
  15. Dudu

    Guardian Stones

    I agree with the Basco nerf and the size increase for the G.Stones. In 2.0, the guild that has the castle, gets basically unlimited recalls, so like if a priest dies, he can just go back to the same spot and heal it again. Plus with all this wars going on, trust me, i wont aim for a priest, i rather aim for a champ or a prof, so they leave Priest in the back healing for 100000m a minute and the Stones/Emp. Like Eugene said, the Bascos were redone before 2.0, now that we have it, a re-work should be totally consider. And remember the littlle fact that we get this new skill spammer that basically spams ur shet 3 times, put that and 4 bascos, you will be healing 1m in less than 2 seconds?!?
  16. Uhh, if you want to use the skill, get the Valk Weap, thats why they made it. If they add Stave Crasher to the Elite staff, then why donating for the Valk wep? Thats the mission of the Valk wep. And also, if you have a Loli Mask Hat or a Magic Eyes Hat ( Halloween 2010 Items ) You can use Stave Crasher with the Elite Staff.. So i disagree.
  17. Dudu

    Y / N?

    Agree! They need a little buff to make those 30 dollars worth something.
  18. You tried the normal exe? Its called Fkenro.exe and its located in the fRO installation folder.
  19. Dudu

    Non-Donation Woe

    I dont think this is needed since, with our new Knight Set, you can really make some dmg to the Forsaken King set, and making this ND WoE would discourage the ND population on going further ( Farming and Marketing to get Fset ). WoE is meant for all the classes, wether ND or Donor, ive seen lots of ND players working their asses out in WoE and they are actually pretty good defence. And if they are loyal enough, GM's helps them out with drops and they can go further and buy Donor equips. And idk about what guilds you are talking about but, ive seen guilds that takes Knight Set players or ND Gears.
  20. Dudu


    Suggestion 1: The Autoloot thingie, this got already rejected. Sugggestion 2: I will quote you my reasons of disagree, this was quoted from the Suggestion "@whogm". Suggestion 3: I am agree with this one, chats should be up in the middle of the main street of Fcity and make sure not to block any Npc. If you want to afk, you can do it in the left or right side of the city w/o having to block the NPCs. This will be pretty good for newbies to find the Npcs easier.
  21. Dudu

    Non-Berry Pvp

    I totally disagree. In a server like this, fully customized, you can die in seconds, if this room gets enabled, Sinx's, Clowns and Sniper will own. And if we ever get to implement this, i could be very abused with the Ladder kills.
  22. Sure you can. Just get a new laptop with Windows! np ;]. Or you can use a Windows XP/7 Emulator like Pararell Desktops and VMWare.
  23. Dudu

    Motto Thread

    My Motto, No pain, no gain!
  24. I still dont know the changes on Valk Weps :S

    1. Genesis


      Check the tokenshop. Updated effects are here, have been for a while.

    2. Dudu


      Yeah but, i dont remember the past effects of ALL the weapons, so its hard to know which one got changed. A list would be awesome ! ;D

    3. Procastinate


      Got a question on mind here.. what happened to the suggestions on the SB's? Is it made two-handed or still 1?

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