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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. At work, working very hard...

    1. Masahiro


      at home, homing hard

    2. Apo


      How can you do such a thing?!?

    3. Deathina


      At work. not working very hard playing fro only and chatting <3

  2. Storage it or make a new char, put it in in his invent, delete char, rinse and repeat.
  3. Apo

    Return Of Armani?

    Has anyone seen nines lately?
  4. Apo

    Return Of Armani?

    Shigity shigity shwa
  5. Apo

    Black Ops!

    Just get the Penguin United usb adaptor for ps3 and play with a mouse/keyboard on your console, problem solved.
  6. Oh lord, I would of never thought that this was a scam before reading this...
  7. Apo

    Dead Space 2

    I was aiming for the friend's help over the gun choice.
  8. I was browsing my iPod nano's Setting's and there was this Pedometer tab, and when you select it, you have Daily Goal, this be his daily goal I bet.
  9. I don't get it, I keep getting 500% in my exams and all I do is writting my name...
  10. Apo

    Dead Space 2

  11. Holy shizure, I got access to a computer

    1. Masahiro


      Holy shitake Mushrooms !..ftw!

    2. Xtopher


      Who let the troll out of his cage?


    3. Apo


      The troll itself

  12. Apo

    Dead Space 2

    like most games, when you switch of difficulty you lose your possessions, same was with Resonance of Fate, better that way else it would give the game away, just get everything you could possibly get on easy mode with an almost 100 complete gameplay then do it at hardcore? It would make hardcore become medium difficulty, that is... If the mobs AI was increased.
  13. Apo


    That's when you release the FS ninjea.
  14. Looks like 9 y/o kid weilding a oversized Bolverk shooting a monster drawn by a dude on a mush trip... Perhaps a little bit like Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka, except it has more comedy, and a decent opening too.
  15. Holy Montains - SOAD
  16. Apo

    Its Annoying

    As you can see, classes are very balanced.
  17. Felt like sharing a real Tager player, Mike_Z is by far the best Tager player you may ever witness. sorry for double post
  18. lol, gadgeto finger, it is cheap tho no mather how you see it
  19. Gone for a while.

  20. atm im playing blazblue hardcore but anytime as you wish ill be up for it, i need to train a bit to get back to it tho but w/e
  21. ma psn be Bibiquadium brah
  22. i herd u plai on shetbox tho
  23. Dats cuz I wuz 2 gewd fer ur net wif Ibuki so u d/c'd
  24. Any of you f00 plays BB:CS? on PS3 of course, if so, let me know if you're looking for some challenge.
  25. It's their 4th Novel, so its a part of the series that has to be followed.
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