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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Apo

    It's Mahvel Baybee!

    I might get it later this week or next week hoping I won't be disapointed, I was a fan of the first one on DreamCast
  2. j00 can try
  3. Apo


    AI seems just terribad or this polar bear fails miserably.
  4. Don't steal my bike please.
  5. Apo


    Yet another grind fest.
  6. Apo


    Someone whines a lot.
  7. My bad for the lack of details last night I was kinda... Not sober, here's a more detailed explication. In C:\Program Files\ForsakenRO OR C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO there's a file called fpatch.ini, delete it and re-open the Forsaken RO Patcher, it'll redownload all patches.
  8. It's obviously due to a missing file in your grf that you didn't read once it was loaded, you can always delete fpatch in your fro folder and repatch and try again
  9. Apo


    Stop stalking?!? Insolent child!
  10. Apo


    We still managed to gather 50% of the information out of you.
  11. Apo


    Here I thought you wouldn't tell us uh?!
  12. Apo

    Punching Bag Room

    Perhaps you shall become my punching bag.
  13. Apo


    You're Bertrude McMillan, and you used a Sniper
  14. Apo

    Return Of Armani?

    18 or older
  15. Bim bam shibidam wooooom wooosh. Shigity.

    1. Dudu
    2. Apo


      F00, go back to the kitchen

  16. Apo

    Elite Creator Dagger?

    lame noob rumors
  17. Apo

    Pk-No Pk

    I was being sarcastic, and "NO Donation Exclusive Items"? Odd...
  18. Apo


    y u mad tho?
  19. Apo


    Makoto all the way
  20. Apo


    He just went Otaku-Mode on ya, it meant, "yo sup".
  21. Apo


    Don't say that, it may attract Som
  22. Apo

    Pk-No Pk

    It's a a PK server? here I though it wasn't with the 3/4th of the maps with pk disabled.
  23. Apo


  24. I see Kuoch blushing der
  25. Apo

    Return Of Armani?

    To be honest, I believe Chris (HerLove) John(Yukumaru) Cole(Drax) Somdora(Perishable) Smeay? and some others has been spotted around, I saw Jay too (Zack Fair) who else...
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