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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Apo

    Help Meh <3

    Odd enough I went on google and got the answer right away... Earthing The earth is made up of materials that is electrically conductive. A fault current will flow to 'earth' through the live conductor, provided it is earthed . This is to prevent a potentially live conductor from rising above the safe level . All exposed metal parts of an electrical installation or electrical appliance must be earthed . The main objectives of the earthing are to : 1) Provide an alternative path for the fault current to flow so that it will not endanger the user 2) Ensure that all exposed conductive parts do not reach a dangerous potential 3) Maintain the voltage at any part of an electrical system at a known value so as to prevent over current or excessive voltage on the appliances or equipment . The qualities of a good earthing system are : 1) Must be of low electrical resistance 2) Must be of good corrosion resistance 3) Must be able to dissipate high fault current repeatedly
  2. You need a messed up hair cut and a hayley williams sig to be the next Kooch
  3. It\s not because a class was underpowered for years that it's now allowed to be overpowered, doesn't make any sense, but this arrow thing wouldn't affect snipers only but stalkers and clowns too.
  4. Problem solved Btw, my name is Mohammad
  5. You're never covered enough
  6. Apo

    >< Anime Nerd Rage.

    Want a ride?
  7. Apo

    To Kuochi ♥

    Fail puppet wielder, can't even follow the lyrics with the mouth, that alone was enough to annoy me somehow.
  8. I believe this should be in support section.
  9. Apo

    Epic Mealtime

    what is alcohol?
  10. Apo

    Lego Wars

    CoD : Modern Legofare
  11. Robots has no expressions nor lips, before even scanning number one my failsensor already knew 5 was missing, good try tho.
  12. call us* not call use ;D
  13. he deserves the titlle of nub?
  14. Damn noobs
  15. Apo

    >< Anime Nerd Rage.

    Bombs over Baghdad!!!
  16. Apo

    >< Anime Nerd Rage.

    Saying that this BMW is worth driving is like saying Panty and Stocking is a good anime.
  17. Bunch of noobs, we all know LUK increased its critical hits and AGI its dammage.
  18. Apo

    It's Mahvel Baybee!

    Damn button smashers.
  19. Apo

    >< Anime Nerd Rage.

    It would be easy to aim with a paintball gun.
  20. Apo

    >< Anime Nerd Rage.

  21. Apo

    >< Anime Nerd Rage.

    I'd tackle on purpose anyone who rides on that board.
  22. Apo

    It's Mahvel Baybee!

    hope you got a fight stick, xbox has the worst controller ever
  23. Apo

    It's Mahvel Baybee!

    It's not gay, its Marvel
  24. Here comes the day where Steve will crush all of us.
  25. Apo

    It's Mahvel Baybee!

    As long as you know that the Ce only gives you a metal box and cards with specials written on it, and I think a soundtrack not sure, then ok. Oh wait nvm DLC chars for free, break both legs!
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