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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Apo

    Disaster Movie

    you forgot 2 classics Jay & Silent Bob Jerry got fingered Maybe Happy Gilmore too and... A Night at the Roxbury and many more
  2. Apo

    Disaster Movie

    There's the good funny movies, and the one just randomly made and doesnt make any sense (like this one) that sucks so bad that watching it is a waste of your time. I mean.. all the money wasted on that movie could of been used for something better. Wait until it's downloadable on the net, but don't go see it.
  3. That's how to Rick Roll your items
  4. so i herd u liek mudkipz
  5. I'd applicate if it wasn't this 4 hours everyday sicne can't be on 4 hours the school+work days.
  6. Apo


    NOT quitting = not leaving =D
  7. Apo


    Whata bout guild invite? Get on Vent! (takes phone)
  8. Apo


    You walk and suddenly you get attacked, better have your gears ready else you will get owned by a randomer. And towns aren't PvP off unlike RO.
  9. Apo


    So much hate lol.
  10. banned because I'm elite
  11. Apo


    Also, life is the best MMO
  12. Some might say yes lol. If you live in Amsterdam...
  13. Apo


    Lfe, live it to the maximum, since we only have one.
  14. My dog ate my homework.
  16. Apo


    me Anyways, this is a part of life you can't let go, so I hope you the best in college and getting a job, at least you won't be totally gone which is good =p And what's better than being home?
  17. pepsi > coke TPBM will get Rick Roll'd
  18. Icarus has successfully evolved into a Magikarp. Then a cat eats you. I wish my t-shirt was white
  19. I'm transexual.
  20. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Nope Have you ever made a paper plane and threw it so far that you were surprised.
  21. I got AIDs
  22. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Nope, suicide is for people who needs attention. Did you ever managed to do something out of nowhere and was actualy nice?
  23. Who are you?
  24. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Happens all the time. Did you ever searched for something then realising at the the end that you weren't needing.
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