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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. I'd call MJ and ask for help. What would you do if you just never ever wake up anymore.
  2. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Yes Did you ever wished to have everything free for 1 day of your life.
  3. Has a blue skin and loves mushrooms
  4. Banned for sparta
  5. Banned because I feel like it.
  6. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Yes, and it was worth it. Did you ever regreted something so much that you will always remember it?
  7. Apo

    Have you ever?

    No Did you ever threw something will all you anger and it went so far that you were suprised and felt better?
  8. Is purple
  9. Banned because french grammar is so hard for nothing.
  10. Banned for more QQ
  11. Living with his friend, Kool Aid, seeking for more walls to jump in.
  12. Is not nice
  13. Apo


    Hi, I'm pedobear
  14. Is not mean /ok
  15. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Nope, everyone's equal in something. Did you even felt like being invisible and just running in the street slaping people?
  16. Is 7 feet tall
  17. Banned because I ate watermelons.
  18. Banned because i joined 3 days ago.
  19. Apo

    Have you ever?

    Yes, but then it disapeared. Did you ever drank a 2 L of Pepesi one shot?
  20. Apo

    Have you ever?

    No else i would of spent all my money for nothing. Did you ever got so hungry at the point that you would eat anything, even somehing you never though off before.
  21. Not really. TPBM like donuts.
  22. Banned for giving free illegal kittens.
  23. I'd serve you some eggs What would YOU do if I came to your house.
  24. I'd call up for for Jim Carey -> What would you do if someone atks you with a water gun filled of piss.
  25. Banned for having 6 letters in your name.
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