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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. Sorry Madox but you are wrong on this one, only gr is null when frozen as you are no longer ghosttype but more likely water, I know it because a bunch of champs tried to kill my stalker while I was frozen and wasn't a success with my dev hat sgw 2 dev cards and usako shield
  2. Apo


    Your lack of maturity making you rant because you fail and get owned constantly by champs and high level of ignorance for telling me to simply update my client and I'll be fine, my client is fully updated just so you are aware. Second, it doesn't only happens to me, it's the item that has a missing sprite so if a champ asuras from a certain angle it errors. Before you go on QQing, reply something more logical and that makes sense.
  3. Apo

    To You Newbs.

    You complain about being owned even if they don't warp away or whatsoever, they'll still kill you so why are you even complaining in the first place? Can't handle the heat? That's all I can see. If I make a shoert resume. I get owned by noob looking champs all the time, they warp over me and keep owning me all the time, imagine they warp 5 cells away and asura you, you'll still die anyways.
  4. uhh... if you go with server experience, this is like the Party Hat of before which had one slot and +30 all stats and expired, same goes with irish, and one day somethign else will replace it, that's all..
  5. Apo

    Star Ocean 2

    on played Star Oceant 4 TLH was decent but one heck of an horible voice over i swear...
  6. Apo


    Who likes to get errored 10x + by the same champion using ROP, or guild errored in GvG ect ect? NO ONE This rant is to express my anger against this poorly made item erroring us, players, constantly and everywhere. If this item isn't near to be fixed, at least change its sprite for something else temporarly so we can enjoy the beautiful environment of PK without the constant erroring by champions using it. Ahura. that goes to you for erroring me smeay and others constantly in PvP.
  7. Apo

    To You Newbs.

    lrn2surviveasura I was told that, Deviling cards, ghostring cards and such helped to reduce damage, it has been prooven by professional doctors.
  8. where's my longer ranged sniper dagger?
  9. i wouldnt pay (10$) for a guild name. and i can google emblems any day or them from this site... which i couldnt find right now but once i do i'll link youguys, but they are all nice and professionaly made.
  10. ohyayadisnowbacktoitssense And decent Elite Weps
  11. Apo

    Deviling Hat

    Changed my offer.
  12. Apo

    Deviling Hat

    Buying Deviling Hat [150] PM Seaking Fuckyeah
  13. Apo

    Disney Buys Marvel

    New classic game coming out... Disney vs Capcom
  14. Apo

    Reflect Soul Linker

    Still doesn't change the fact that you'll never see an SL coming to you and deal 30k dmg, they'll always depend on you attacking them.
  15. xp is so ystd
  16. Apo

    Reflect Soul Linker

    Perfect build for extremely bord people, if no one attacks you your build is plain useless.
  17. Apo

    I'm Back

    There's an error in your sig, no one likes mysapce.
  18. Apo

    Maple Story!

  19. Apo

    3rd Job

  20. Apo

    Lotsa Bbys.

    Yes, I can excape =^___^=
  21. Apo

    Lotsa Bbys.

    Yes, yessssss.
  22. Apo

    Omg Guize

    Mind sharing, I'm not that hungry so you can have a bigger portion.
  23. Apo


    It's Annhiliator
  24. Apo


    Anyone has BlazBlue on PS3? Online play seems to always be versus Japanese people with slow connections when I play.
  25. As the titles says. Elite Forsaken Gunslinger Gun[4] - Whisper Me offer. Incantation Samurai Card - Whisper Me offer. Otherwise you can PM me on my paladin named Fuckyeah Seaking
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