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Forsaken Nobel
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About Shono

  • Birthday 04/08/2009

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    New york
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Hero (6/10)



  1. hi
  2. still selling pally bless?
  3. Buying 1) Paladin Blessed Ring 2) Lord Knight Blessed Ring 3) Purple, green, orange, blue emps Leave price and ign
  4. The title of the topic says it all, Selling; WoE Tokens Gold Fragments. Leave an offer.
  5. Thanks for the response everyone
  6. What exactly can you do with minigame tokens? and how much are they worth? Thanks.
  7. Shono

    Count To 3000

    1983 ;]
  8. Shono

    Hunger Games

    ^ Nice !!
  9. Shono

    Hunger Games

    You could read Hunger games online . xD
  10. Shono

    Hunger Games

    Read all the books this weekend !! Soo good. Catching Fire was the best book in the trilogy in my opinion xD.
  11. Shono

    Hunger Games

    Too bad the next movie "Catching Fire" won't be released till November 23,2013. I can't wait that long D:.
  12. Shono

    Quitting !

    I've been playing this server for 4 years now ( idk ) and had so much fun . Made lots of friends and gather up memories that won't be forgotten !!! The intense WoE's, PvP's, and GvG's was a great experience aswell. Gonna miss all my great friends and the fun times I had with them !! ( Not gonna post a list, but you know who you are ! ) Thank you to the GM's who made this server incredible and worth my 4 years of playing it. Goodbye :[ This is Heart of Sword, Kashima, Shono, Huy etc logging off.
  13. 2016
  14. 2014
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