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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Euros last won the day on March 31 2020

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    ForsakenRO GM Team

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  1. I believe the main reason for that is to not let a person equip 2 Dexterity swords at the same time due to life steal effect. It would be overpowered if it had a life steal higher than what is meant for 1 sword.
  2. Hello there! To answer your question you need to know a few things, but don't worry I'm here to explain! That weapon is a sword. Usually when an Assassin Cross uses a sword it can only be equipped in the main hand (Right hand), but if they are daggers they can be equipped in both the main(right) and off(left) hands. I assume you're using a Dexterity Sword? That would be the reason why the stats give Crit - 50. There are 2 variants of assassin cross swords, Dex version and Critical version. Double Attack is a passive skill which only applies to daggers. In this case, the sword isn't affected due to it being a sword. If you use sidewinder you'd be able to get double attack on the weapon it is compounded in, in this case the sword, which would mean your damage would now have a chance to be doubled. E.g. if your damage was 24k on non-sidewinder and would be 16k on sidewinders, double attack would make that 16k into 32k which, for me, is a good deal. Hope this helps!
  3. You must first finish the Blessed Ring Storyline to proceed with this quest Fate of the Gods II: Quest Beginning - http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/wiki/quests/storyline-q/fate-of-the-gods-ii-quest-beginning-r138/ Fate of the Gods II: Blessed Ring Guide - http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/wiki/quests/storyline-q/fate-of-the-gods-ii-blessed-ring-guide-r139/ (Note: One accessory per character, at least 2 to complete the set) Step 1 Talk to Aesir Child (storyline14 216 209) Step 2 Talk to the NPCs in a clockwise manner starting from Freyr (formap39 123 126) Then give 1000 Tangled Chains to Tyr Step 3 Tyr will warp you to a place where you need to kill Fenrir Step 4 Talk to Tyr again (formap39 123 126) Step 5 Travel to Nidavilir (hu_fild05 195 210) (formap38 82 136) (formap06 195 39) (formap07 106 132) (formap83 264 185) Give 1,000,000 to Alfonzo the Camel (formap60 203 207) Step 6 Speak to Aminah (formap23 94 131) Choose the option to go with her Step 7 Go down the map (formap23 70 16) Talk to Amir (formap46 126 90) This will start the Dark Maze Raid TIP: BRING EVERYTHING 1,000 Soft Silks 600 Singing Flowers 600 Star Dust 400 Rouge 400 Pearl 20 Turquoise 25 Rose Quartz 1 Memory Book 600 Dark Guard Weapon 25 Purified Elunium (From Underground Mine) 25 Gold Ore (From Underground Mine) 25 Mythril Ore (From Underground Mine) 25 Silver Ore (From Underground Mine) 100 High Density Bradium (From Underground Mine) 100 Bradium Fragments (From Underground Mine) 15 Giant Bradium Fragment(From Underground Mine) 10 Cat Tread 10 Beard of Woman 10 Mountain Roots 10 Bear Sinew 10 Breath of Fish 10 Spittle of Bird 100,000,000 Zeny NOTE: DO NOT WARP ANYWHERE AFTER THE RAID IS DONE AND THE FOLLOWING STEPS Step 8 Talk to Khalid (formap10 158 9) Talk to Malik the Dark King (formap89 173 119) Talk To Al-Amir the Dark Prince (formap89 285 203) Talk to Daniyah the Dark Queen (formap89 187 42) Give her these item: 1,000 Soft Silks 600 Singing Flowers 600 Star Dust 400 Rouge 400 Pearl 20 Turquoise 25 Rose Quartz 1 Memory Book Go back to Al-Amir the Dark Prince (formap89 285 203) Give him: 600 Dark Guard Weapon Go back to Malik the Dark King (formap89 173 119) He will warp you to the next map Step 9 Talk to Dvalin at the end of the tunnel (for_map24 370 171) Choose "no" Travel to the Dwarves (for_map58 369 245) (for_map59 35 264) (formap99 259 226) Step 10 Talk to Grer (for_map99 16 289) Talk to Alfrik Talk to Thorbardin (formap99 328 177) This will start the Underground Mine Raid Talk to the Mining Camel once the raid is over Step 11 Go back to Grer and talk again (for_map99 16 289) Talk to Alfrik and give him: 25 Purified Elunium (From Underground Mine) 25 Gold Ore (From Underground Mine) 25 Mythril Ore (From Underground Mine) 25 Silver Ore (From Underground Mine) 100 High Density Bradium (From Underground Mine) 100 Bradium Fragments (From Underground Mine) 15 Giant Bradium Fragment(From Underground Mine) 10 Cat Tread 10 Beard of Woman 10 Mountain Roots 10 Bear Sinew 10 Breath of Fish 10 Spittle of Bird 100,000,000 Zeny Step 12 Once the NPC returns you back to the city, you can warp anywhere now. Talk to Tyr again (formap39 123 126) Talk to Odin Travel to Yggdrasil (yggdrasil01 38 63) Talk to Verdandi (for_map27 114 241) This will start the Yggdrasil Endless Tower Raid Step 13 Talk to Verdandi again (for_map27 114 241) Talk to Skuld (for_map27 125 315) Step 14 Go to the Iron Woods Talk to Wise Old Man (prt_fild01 208 224) Go to the left portal at the point where he warps you (formap51 289 25) (for_map16 223 231) (formap81 230 234) Talk to the Adventurer (stroyline26 131 133) This will start the Iron Woods Raid Tip: Do not warp right after the raid Step 15 Talk to Angrboda (storyline28 179 272) Step 16 Go back to Skuld (for_map27 125 315) Give her the accessory of your choice CONGRATULATIONS! YOU FINISHED THE BLESSED ACCESSORY QUEST!
  4. "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good."
  5. 1. Wizards were unkillable before the redux nerf. Even right now they're still tanky. 2. There are more imaginative ways to play a Wizard character than just Napalm Vulcan. 3. Gunslingers do have a lot of damage but they're also very VERY vulnerable, without a Paladin they die in mere seconds. 4. In a 1 vs 1 against a Ninja there are creative ways to counter it. You'll just have to be creative enough and experiment with it to find out. 5. Tarot isn't just about the "Death" card which can be countered by Golden Thief Bug it also has other cards as well that are very useful. (Tip: Read the whole tarot skill and figure out why it's deadly) 6. Regarding Musical Strike, I think the cast is OP not the damage.
  6. Euros

    Count To Infinity

    939 ?
  7. 1. First and Foremost, which 3 words would you use to describe yourself? (Not physically speakin' of course) -Loyal, Fun (tends to be a bit childish), and Positive. 2. Can you tell us a little about yer favourite hobbies outside of Ragnarok? -Watching TV Series and Anime, reading manga, WATCHING CARTOONS! 3. A question that every interviewer would have to ask. When did you first play RO and what made you start? -Okay this is blurry cuz I haven't been keeping track but I'd say since 2008? or would probably be 2009? Somewhere around there. Me and my friends would play RO after school. 4. What is it that drives you as a GM and keeps you doing the job you've all been doin' so well? Also, how did you become a GM in the first place. -For the players. Make them have fun with events and help with the updates as much as I can. Also, to help them in whatever way I can possibly do. 5. Since music is obviously awesome, what do you enjoy listenin' to and is there a situation where you would listen to one sort o' music rather than other? -Mostly mellow ones. I like a lil' upbeat music too, it actually depends on the mood, but yeah from time to time I like music that makes you jump. 6. The most important question of 'em all. What's yer favourite type of alcohol, and if ye don't drink alcohol *cough, shame, cough* what is yer favourite beverage? -MILK! (Will always be milk!) 7. If ye could be an animal (in this life or the next) which animal would that be? Bishop please don't be sayin' cat or kitten I'm just not buyin' it! -A Snow Owl. (It's my patronus) 8. D'ye happen to have a pet (not in RO of course)? If you do, what is it and how did you name it? (If I had a cat I'd surely call him Sir Fancy Pants the First) -I did had birds before. Sadly, I did not name any of them. 9. What are yer favourite movies and/or TV shows. Yes.. yes.. Animes do freakin' count /pif -Sherlock Holmes (Obviously), Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, 2 Broke Girls, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Naruto, Shokugeki no Soma, Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, Keijo (Hip Whip Girl), Steven Universe, Kim Possible, and, a bunch of disney/nickelodeon/pixar/etc. and animes (trust me it's a very long list). Now for the juicy Questions 10. For the sake o' gossip, are ye a single? -As of the moment, no. 11. That's a tough one, have ye ever broken the law!? Don't be worryin' matey I'm not one to judge, breakin' the law is part of a pirate's daily routine anyway. -Never have I ever. (And not planning to, don't want to go to jail) 12. What kind o' student were ye in school? Were ye the good & quiet type, the rebel, the geek... C'mon just tell us. -Good and geeky type. 13. Have ye ever been so drunk/wasted that ye've done something embarrassing? If yes, what is it ye've done? -I don't drink. 14. Do you have one dark secret that you wouldn't mind sharin'? If not... Boooooring. In any case ye can always pass on that one. -I killed a cat once. It was dark and I was frightened by the cat that I kicked it and it fell on some thorny plants in our backyard and was left out in the cold to die. (Is what I'd like to say, but no, we just put him in the fridge to freeze to death) (Again, not true, I don't have any) 15. Who's the GM ye believe would be lookin' the best wearin' a bathing suit? Yup, ye read right. -Artemis, Ebisu, and Dream! 16. And finally!! The last question that I've been burnin' to ask. Would ye dare date a pirate (lad or lass)? Because that's obviously somethin' we've all been askin' ourselves right? -If Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time (a.k.a. Colin O'Donoghue) then sure! Thank you all for yer precious time and let's try to keep the GM Ares's abs talk to a minimum. Sorry for the long post here's a p... Bah screw that! P.S The first GM to answer will be rewarded with a bottle o' rum from my personal stash. Nah I'm lyin' I don't freely share my rum with the authorities, though I'm open to bribery or any other illegal activities that may result in an increase of my current wealth.
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