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~Hana~ last won the day on December 4 2018

~Hana~ had the most liked content!

About ~Hana~

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Novice (1/10)



  1. you can farm it first then quest it later. do you still need oridecon anvil? what is your in game name?
  2. nope! I just join now. *_* TPBM doing diet but failed! =3=
  3. ?
  4. ~Hana~

    looking for guild

    welcome to fro! You can come to our guild base @go 11 ? and our guides: https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/35280-newbie-guide-fro-by-noob-king/
  5. welcome to fro~ You can come to our guild base @go 11 ? and our guides:
  6. booooooooo ?
  7. Once upon a time, Red girl come to unknown city after left her hometown. No body to talk to, No one help, don't know what to do. She lost her way. The red girl is me. I try to find some information, and guide to know this world. One day, in random time.... I got invitation from a family. yeah... they are my family now... •ûncrownedKings• My family. My home. My friends. My life. We do stupid things, died together, singing together, and so on. I enjoy every moment. I know someday we will separate cause real life. but at least... I have my memories in this holiday. Thanks for giving me home. I'm so happy. Love, ~Hana ~ NB: Eventhough our leader always said he is adorable, but he not. Happy Holiday, Forsaken!
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