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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. Hello, For this case, please file a ticket Ticket System -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/ I'll close this.
  2. Try running your Setup as administrator, Here are guide can help you:
  3. I like this suggestion, this will help the raiders, But it would only be allowed for the leader of the party. We make it a only a single recall, because a lot of players abuse the recall (Spam the recall broadcaster). Let's see what the rest of the team thinks about this @Ebisu@Penthesiliea@Moon@Yatogami
  4. Hello, For this case please make a ticket, you put this in the wrong section Ticket System -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/ And also remember not everyone in forums speak in spanish I'll close this.
  5. Is true, is not the best solution download All-In-One again, But it is the best option. About the problem, To fix it delete the "cps.dll" file, or you can replace with a new one. Sometimes the files are crossed or not updated, Therefore it is recommended to have it in a fresh / newly created folder.
  6. Try running up your setup.exe as Administrator. And you can also review this guide:
  7. For these types of cases please make a ticket and we can help you Ticket System -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/
  8. I would like to remind you that we are also working on many things (and not just inside the game), For example: in the new content of the patches, Managing the ticket system, Coding, Bugs etc.... Usually this kind of thing is posted in the help desk section (https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/forum/167-help-desk/) Where we try to solve all the doubts and / or problems with the files, This is an old topic, if you still have the same problem free to make a new post in the help desk section or a ticket. Thanks for your understanding.
  9. Hello, Exactly as you say, There is no mob called vadons. But you can hunt Vadon (ID 1066) in iz_dun00 and iz_dun01 Also you can check in Ratemyserver.net Example -> http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?mob_name=vadon&page=mob_db&f=1&mob_search=Search or you can use the command @whereis (Name of the monster or ID)
  10. Welcome Back !! n.n
  11. Hi, Maybe you missing some files, if you downloaded the All-in-One package or just the small client. If it's the second option, please reconsider and download the All-in-One client and install it in a new fresh folder (with no other RO servers in there) and remember to patch. Try downloading our all-in-one -> https://forsaken-ro.net/download/
  12. I like the idea, It will help a lot in updating guides and new guides could be implemented. They should be reviewed to prevent things like these from happening, The guides are usually debated in the forums, to see if they are correct or to implement things. The only problem I find in this is the number of guides (It could be repeated some) This would only be the case for the strategy guides, For example: Everyone have their way to play strategies, tricks, experience etc... Then there is no definitive guide for this. (We will have to see how we can make this work) But for quest and raid guides, it would be very good, i give my +1 too :D
  13. Try with this:
  14. Hello, For this cases make a ticket Ticket -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/
  15. Artemis

    New Runes

    Wizard, Professor and Bio (Creator) runes compounds in accessory Sniper runes compounds in weapon Sinx runes compounds in boots
  16. Just to clarify, the old sinx and sniper runes are improved, this mean the preexisting ones (All runes now work on their corresponding classes only) Sniper runes is compounds in weapon, Sinx Runes compounds in boots
  17. Welcome to the forums ! If you have any questions or doubts, free to me PM me here on in-game !
  18. Hello, Please for this case file a ticket -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/
  19. Shark doo doo doo !
  20. Hi, For more info check here ! -> Click Me
  21. Hello, Try with this https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#whitescreenfixoldwin
  22. Welcome to the server! Newbie Guide -> (Click Me) Knight Quest -> (Click Me) here are some guides can help you n.n If you have question or need some help free to PM me here on forums or In-game !
  23. Looks really fabulous ! It shows that there is work and dedication (Especially in the details). I really liked the color tones you used, Go ahead with your art! I like to draw in my spare time too! n.n
  24. "If i could do something so you will stay with me forever, I would do it. You are more than many people."
  25. You can reset you position in the control panel, Control Panel -> https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/ Panel> My account > Click your character name > Reset position
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