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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Jewel

  1. Jewel

    [ C&C ] Poetry.

    "The only thing you're good at is stripping innocent people who are trying to kill you." Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? >>; And thanks Shin. I look forward to reading. :B
  2. My fiance messing with Anna Rae when she was a week old. She pays him back everyday now. It's crazy to think she was actually this little once. /swt WAAAAAH. /sob
  3. Jewel

    This or that

    Break in. Done it for that exact reason too. :rolleyes: or :blink: ?
  4. 201 frozen cats in Kuoch's freezer because I just added the one dead one I found under my house. ;D
  5. Jewel

    Thanks for serenading me. ;x

  6. Year 198 - Publius Septimius Geta, son of Septimus Severus, receives the title of Caesar.
  7. Jewel


    RS: "Tendjewberrymud" = Thank you very much. It's just really really bad broken English. And it's funny. My Mexican Doctor calls a stomache a "stom-ah-chee". >>;
  8. Jewel

    This or that

    Hands. xD Finding out you're pregnant or finding out your significant other is pregnant? o.o;
  9. Jewel


    The issue with Gunslingers is something I need to look into a little further. I tried for about 20 minutes to figure out what palette swatch produced those white blocks but I couldn't figure it out. I'll fix that one before they're implemented. @ Ethereal - Is it? o_o; I've never looked at any of the Crusader/Pally sprites close enough because I haven't played the class. Haha. I may have copy/pasted the wrong one.. I checked RMS and you're quite right. That is female Crusader. xD I'll fix the image later and update it with the true male Pally color. I was in a rush to get this preview done for Gen before I had to run to dinner so that's kinda why it's such a mess. D; But hey, at least there's a preview of a Second class for teh babies. D;;;; And yes I was uber happy with how nicely Soul Linker turned out. I'm excited to give the class more palette options. Anyway, I'm at my mum's on her laptop ( ewww ) and we're bout to eat dindin. I'll fix this stuff when I get home and have a chance. Thanks for all the kind words and thumbs up guys. I appreciate it and it keeps me motivated. XD
  10. Jewel


    I needed to make a preview for Genesis anyhow, so I figured I'd share with the rest of you. I realize not all of them came out well, but this was my first set so go easy on me. D; And I didn't forget about the Babies out there, I'll be doing first classes too so that you guys get access to the same colors. Note: Gypsys are super hard to color. Changing the sheer leggings is such a pain in the ass. It looks way weird when I do it. Q_Q
  11. Jewel


    Ah, I can do that. Eventually. The thing is, palettes are not actual images -- they're done via color palettes. So in order to do that, I need to open each individual color palette, screenshot, crop and save. Q_Q I'll make one for each color palette I do. D; Or try.
  12. Jewel

    This or that

    Um neither. Kuochh dies by being beaten to death or Kuochh dies by being set on fire? :rolleyes:
  13. Jewel


    The idea is based off Snow White. I don't know how that's remotely emo. >>; I just wanted something dark to go with the fRO tag. >3 And it just changed again so I guess I need a new forum set. Hmmm.. @ Mezri - Thanks chick. ;] @ Ethereal - I have to remember the middle e everytime I type your name. >>; But yeah, definitely do that. And thanks for the compliments, means a lot coming from you. ;P I love your sprite work.
  14. Jewel

    Im New like yea

    Haha Conor. He's quite right. I use my Sniper for MVPing and for hunting. PK not so much. And you can't really "fuck up" a Sniper here at fRO. We have a stat resetter in Forsaken City. And even BEFORE max job level, you can get ALL your skills. Just reset your stats and try again, hun. There's plenty of nice people here at FRO. Just ask for help if you need it.
  15. Jewel


    Bump. Soulja Boy Off In This Hoe Watch me Crank It Watch me Roll Watch me Crank Dat Soulja Boy
  16. 169. Ohshiz. Runescape is set during this year. :blink:
  17. Granted, but as soon as you land.. you're eaten by a wild dingo. I wish I could sleep alllll day tomorrow.
  18. Jewel

    This or that

    Wat.. :blink: English or Engrish?
  19. :rolleyes: Not really. TPBM may or may not be Vapo.
  20. Happy Birthday.
  21. Jewel


    LMAO GOD YOU'RE SO OLD. YOUR EYES ARE GOING BAD. ;P That's an apple and blood, hun. ;]
  22. Jewel


    You mean.. is my sig on drugs? What? @_@
  23. Jewel

    so lms?

    Haha. I made it. Q_Q; You can PM me a request. I need to take a break from paletting anyway. It's like.. srs crack. xx;
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