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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Jewel

  1. Jewel


    All of the palettes are currently black/white based. TBH, the muted browns and stuff that are usually used on palettes look really weird with the bright tones of the FKing helms. But yeah, I plan on doing Red, Green, Pink, Tan, Blue -- all with a black and whiteish base. Male LK in my purple palette. Should hopefully match the Purple FKing helm. @_@
  2. Jewel


    Deathlike? Like black and white? Or um.. like Black and red? I'll probably be doing both. xD
  3. Sure. :] WB Icarus. TPBM is a ninja. :ph34r:
  4. Jewel


    Completed thus far are Turquoise ( I've been calling it baby blue ) and Purple ( to match the FHelm ). Starting pink because Zeit said. It'll match the pink FHelm, I hope.
  5. The picture says.. "Maybe I am.. maybe I'm not ;]". I think that's the point. D;
  6. Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 83,100,000 for jewel [definition]. (0.07 seconds) Google lubs Jewel. <3
  7. Wish granted though people around here aren't frightened by it and continue to use broken English anyhow. I wish I had more money. D;
  8. Jewel

    This or that

    Um.. I don't know? O_o; Wtf kind of this or that is that? Levi Jeans or Levis the fRO member? XD
  9. I only Cosplay for Halloween. I'm really not cool enough. D;
  10. I'm hoping this isn't considered inappropriate because I THINK they're wearing bottoms. :blink:
  11. 9/10. A little dark for my tastes. I personally like the text as it looks kinda like it's caught in the wind of the debris and all the stuff around her. Looks need in my opinion but I do agree with Mezri that it's a little hard to read. May have been the look you were going for though so I understand. And why does everyone add the two top line borders instead of an even border all the way around? Just curious. Forsaken is the first place I've seen it so overused. And like Mezri asked, what is that stock from?
  12. Jewel

    Small Haitus

    She's very pretty indeed... but I imagine the picture would be a lot more appealing without a toilet in the background. O_o; And that sucks Armani - having to clean up someone else's mess. Don't stress on it too much. Good luck!
  13. No, I mean about figuring out who Google is. Not knowing is most of the fun to me. /heh
  14. With his mouth open like that he needs the blindfold around his chin moreso to catch all the drool. :\
  15. 206 is how many more times I'll post in this thread and not get anything added to my post count, thus it's kinda impossible to label this as spam, eh? We're just having fun. >>; And Mezri, you didn't post a number. That's what would be considered spam in this thread, eh. Q_Q
  16. Yes and all 4 are little boys between the ages of 13 and 16. TPBM should come up with something nice for themselves.
  17. Jewel

    Good day!

    I thought it was "See you, space cowboy!" Anyway. Welcome to Forsaken. Enjoy your time here.
  18. Jewel


    Job Changer ( @warp fcity 85 141 ) to become a Swordsman. And welcome to Forsaken! ;]
  19. Who cares anyway? O_o;
  20. Jewel

    ~Teh Forsaken~

    Bump for Moonie.
  21. Area code 204 is the telephone area code in the Canadian province of Manitoba, encompassing the whole province and includes the Environment Canada weather station at Eureka, Nunavut. :blink:
  22. Sorry, I'm only into humans. TPBM is pretty fcking cool.. unless it's Aso then TPBM will explode in 20 seconds.
  23. Jewel

    This or that

    Haaaaaam. Christmas or your Birthday?
  24. HP sprite should fit if sitting, Eth. /ok
  25. Jewel

    [C&C] i got bored

    Aw it did get buried, wtf? D; And why'd you take it down? What program are you using?
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