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Brianology last won the day on September 25 2017

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About Brianology

  • Birthday November 19

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  1. and all I said was you type like someone that isn't educated and you blew this up. what I said doesn't even count as an insult then if you're going to say that about me. i'm done trying to communicate with you
  2. are you even reading what I am saying? I didn't say you were uneducated and said it multiple times after also. I don't want to argue with you
  3. what the fuck are you even talking about? you really want to flood this topic because you're too hard-headed to accept one small thing I said about you? imagine if I insulted you directly. you don't want to start insulting vs me, lets just end this here and move on?
  4. Just because somebody isn't educated doesn't mean they aren't understandable. I didn't say only educated people should have a say in the forums, all I did was imply that your grammar in the post is bad. Stop putting words in my mouth let's end this nonsense unless you really want to go down that path and embarrass yourself.
  5. As for this, OL isn't the only counter man, there's cards out there to counter champ and we both know that. If you wanna fight come fight me Champ vs Champ and you'll see the difference between us. Sure there will be a difference between all classes but not to the extremities of Champ. Any one can play a broken class that 1 skills people but not everyone can play Champ. He also genuinely isn't targeting WS, in fact I agree with you that WS is fine as it is and it doesn't really need to be changed I understand that you guys don't like each other but keep that on the side all he was trying to do was make a suggestion and you attacked him.
  6. I really am trying to be reasonable here so listen with your thick skull. How have I insulted every non educated person in the world? I didn't say they cant type so don't put words into my mouth. The only reason I said that was because of your grammar, and if you can't realize that there's a bigger problem here
  7. Lol reread your post man, you targeted him about 3-4 times. The only thing that I've said about you is about you playing Super Novice.
  8. Are you even reading what i'm typing? I said it FEELS like it I DID NOT say someone without an education typed it. I also explained already as to why. Read at how you construct your posts man, stop trying to prove your point. I don't even know why you're this upset, just read what I say instead of repeating yourself. I even said myself "obviously you have an education" I don't know what you're trying to get at here, are you trying to prove something? No need to bring it back up when I already explained myself. Also it's not about the fact that you can't type, its what you type. There is a huge difference, look at your posts. I am 100% sure those 40 "successful business people" will NOT type the way you do with that grammar.
  9. Didn't say you weren't educated, obviously you have an education lol. I said it feels like somebody with no education typed it because of the grammar.
  10. Just because a class has been nerfed recently doesn't mean it can't be nerfed again if it isn't balanced. Wizard used to be a class that was known to spam bolts and mainly Meteor Storm but now it's a straight up assassin.. you claim it doesn't cross 120K ( it does but lets just go with your assumption ) // even if it doesn't cross 120k it does nearly 90-100k per cast and with how accessible MB nowadays doing 170~200k per skill cast is just not fair. It doesn't matter if it used to do a certain amount of damage, I do not understand why you feel like that will help your argument as to why it shouldn't change again. It got nerfed before sure but that does NOT automatically mean its balanced because it used to do x amount of damage and then now it does y amount of damage. Whitesmith it doesn't have to be nerfed, I agree that it is not a huge problem, but with MB the class still has the ability to 1 skill you and you're dead. I agree with you on that the class is useless if on gtb or non GR but what I don't understand is why you're attacking him and being subliminal instead of just proving your point You don't really have to play the class to understand if its unbalanced or not.. in fact playing the class would create a bigger bias toward how unbalanced it is LOL dude talking about Champs? You claim that you shouldn't suggest stuff w/o playing the class but I haven't ever seen you play champ so don't talk about Champ. People believe that Champ is the most OP class because they see the people play champ for YEARS and have perfected the class. Champ is the hardest class in the game, takes the longest time to learn, so I don't see why it shouldn't be rewarded rather than playing a class that 1 shots people. No other class requires the same amount of skill as Champ and none of you can disagree with me on this because none of you play Champ. Everybody watches the current Champs but ironically the few current Champs are the people that are already known for their ability to play Champ. Would any beginner Champ be able to do the stuff that the top Champs do? NO...... you wouldn't think a beginner Champ is op at all and that's facts. I thought the people that spent the time to perfect their class would be the best, and that rule still applies mainly Champ it seems like. Not anyone can play Champ and be at the top with the players that have played Champ for their whole PvP life. Anyone can play a broken class that uses one skill that does 100k+ with 300K HP and do the same stuff people that have played the class for a long time have done Lol you contradicted yourself again by saying " Magic class has the easiest counter in the world its called a gtb / Where as champs what do you do to counter because anything you do to counter them you risk being vulnerable to other classes " you clearly just proved our point. You believe that when you switch to counter champs you risk being vulnerable to other classes.... what do you think happens when you switch to counter magic classes? There are way more ways to counter Champ including orc lords which straight up kills yourself or your pally which is the class you believe all classes are equal if they are with one LOL ? You play Super Novice a class that does 100K with 500k HP while running full AGI / Flee so I'm just gonna say you should please stop suggestion stuff w/o actually playing the class like you claimed above about Influx. If you're gonna disagree at least try to make it formal or have proper grammar because it was really tough to take this seriously, it feels like someone with no education typed it. It is clear that instead of writing a proper constructed rebuttal with half decent grammar you are making this out of spite.
  11. I agree, you can say that there are counters for all of these classes but when were talking group PvP and events its not really an option to switch for some of these classes because it just gets you killed. No class should have the power to do so much damage to force you to switch gears but you can't even switch because you'll die if you do, so you just stay there tanking the absurd amount of damage. He gave the original effect and suggested the new ones, I'm sure it doesn't have to be on point as the GM's can test variables, and even gave a different damage formula to reduce TK / SG damage, which is undoubtedly the strongest classes in WoE right now which is our most active event. ( I play SG and agree with this change so it really goes to show if the GM's are being reasonable here ) PvP is in a really unhealthy state right now, and I can say for many of my friends and people that play, people play for the PvP on the server. Like he said, these classes pose the biggest problem and should be changed in some way... it's just common sense at this point and it doesn't take any pvper or genius to understand that some of these classes just are not fair and healthy. GMs need to look at classes like SG / TK, and stop saying that SG can be countered easily. SG doesn't even have Kihop I don't know why our server has it but it does I play SG even with 10 party members in the castle I am dropping people more than SG's and TK's with 20 party members and that says a lot about the class being skill-less. I don't know what happened to Wizards doing 7-8k bolts and then using stave crasher but now its doing 30k napalm ( 150,000 PER CAST BTW ) like hello? how is that even fair? +1 Please look into some of these classes for the health of our server
  12. can u get hacked and give me ur fset again

  13. I personally agree with disabling Gepard Shield for many reasons. Firstly, in terms of player base what he said was right I mean like before Gepard there were way more guilds and players, looking back 6-8 years from when Gepard was introduced there was a higher player base except for maybe when the server very first came out. Even in 2015-2017 after the peak of our servers player base there were way more players compared to post-gepard which is surely not a coincidence. During those times in every PK area there was 10+ people, parties of 7+ vs 7+, WoE was active with 2-3 big guilds and 1-2 small guilds, and our prized area FORSAKEN CITY FIELD 01 had PvP everyday with individual duels. People went there to socialize, watch people duel, there was trash talk, and everything you can ask for in a private RO server. After Gepard there was a noticeable and blatant decline of players not just in these areas but on the server as a whole. People quit, went inactive, and I don't blame them because they stood no chance vs low ping players like myself and a few others, as a large number of the player base live outside of North America. Secondly, what he said about cheating being an issue for a very long time without it really being addressed is 100% true. Players weren't really banned and if they were it was a few blatant cheaters and after a while people stopped getting banned because players didn't care about making a report just to ban an individual player. Most of the server that became reliant on cheating had high ping and this isn't me saying that high ping players are bad, its just that it's very hard to play as a 200 ping player vs a 20 ping player. If both players are equally skilled then the lower ping player wins off of the factor of low ping which then makes it unfair. People also didn't report each other because there was no reason to be a hypocrite about cheating. If the players ( CUSTOMERS BTW ) don't mind not having Gepard then why not? When Gepard got introduced, many players quit and slowly became inactive. They were reliant on 3rd party stuff. They couldn't adapt, and I don't blame them if they had high ping with our server having some super high rate items with high rate rates. Before Gepard third party programs allowed both players to PvP with each other on an closely equal enough level. Nowadays, low ping players have such an advantage on high ping players and as our server is dominated by high ping players and very few low ping players this creates imbalance and if this server didn't have some unbalanced items that are abused by dogshit players it'd be clear who would win. With all the events mainly BR and GvG being completely inactive this means free rewards and these just aren't any "rewards", these are some of our most expensive items like BR emps and GvG emps. Mainly BR emps that were meant to be only for the strongest and most deserved are now just being handed out for free, which also ties in to another very important controversial topic on our server, the Market. I don't even have to explain, if all the members from one guild get all the expensive items and don't need to buy anything and just sell what do you think will happen? In the end, I don't think players attend these events because there aren't enough players that have the incentive to log on. Sure you can say that if everyone logged on and prepared more then there would be competition, but it's really not enjoyable when there are items that 1 shot you or brainless players that only know one type of gear stay clicking their mouse as fast as possible. Pre Gepard people would try to win those events even if it was them alone vs a full party. Some players don't have funds for a macro keyboard or mouse which is basically required to stand a chance especially if you're a high ping player. (I don't macro btw) I know the GM's are trying to balance the server and I don't mean any disrespect at all but I can only imagine that it's not enjoyable with the state of the server it is in for high ping / new gear players. About lag, after Gepard I've had way more crashes I think i've had more crashes throughout a year then in like 5 years total before Gepard. I don't know if its linked to Gepard but ever since I haven't felt the same consistency in latency and with third party programs like wtfast and pingzapper they are still super buggy and always comes across some sort of error from the programs. Regardless, it will change the server and players will come back. There will be more more participants in our events that are currently not even played guaranteed. With some of the classes that are gonna be nerfed still on live client there really is no counter play at all. Without Gepard there won't be one guild dominating every event and actually a chance in events even with lower numbers, just like during the old days when we had the peak of our players. This is coming from somebody that is a top PvPer and has 10 ping. There were groups of players that were less than 10 that could take on 2 full WoE guilds. Now its just brainless classes that spam one macro button and whoever has more members pretty much decides who wins. Before when smaller numbers actually had a chance to win there was an incentive to log on, and now if you are outnumbered by 3 people its an automatic loss. In the end, if this suggestion doesn't change anything then it'll be the same old repetitive, 1 guild winning everything and all the lesser geared players / high ping players that try to fight back just get raped. Even with legendary gear you could take on a fully geared player before. The decision of leaving Gepard as it is or disabling it will pretty much make everybody see what the server is focused on, lets see if getting more active players that PvP more is important or letting the same guild dominate over and over without wanting a change :'). This server has become 1 guild with a few players that I genuinely think that are good and the others spamming a mouse button on an op class or not fair class at all SPECIFICALLY redux clown dominating the whole scene while there are 2-3 other small guilds that only log on for WoE, and most of the time during WoE there isn't even competition which disables the purpose of other events and just gives the dominating guild free shit and boosted egos. It's pretty disgusting to see such a great PvP server infested with WoE warriors and party warriors that only PvP while having devo 24/7 or buffs now and then talk shit from the shadows of their alt novice but are completely awful and don't have any idea of what this server used to be, they are the same people that don't ever enter any PK area and when they do its with 5+ members LOL Thanks to the ones that actually come to PK areas alone, and try to fight. But the people that don't ever enter any PK area, you're terrible, absolutely oblivious to how bad you are and you really shouldn't talk shit ever. It's kinda embarrassing that I can list names off the top of my head and you know who you are, so don't talk shit okay? And I know some of you that are reading feel some typa way about what I just said, I don't care. What are you gonna do? Try and kill me even with your party 2vs7 and still lose? Without Gepard these people might actually try and PvP at PK areas instead of logging in 10 minutes before WoE, and then talk shit because they just have more players on, and the ugly truth is that this server with some really enjoyable PvP has become just that. Come to PK areas and stop talking trash so it can be like the old days when we had the peak of our players. I've been playing for a long time and I promise you people tried to PvP even if they had no gears and the people that socialize at city would be in field sitting and talking. I just want it to be like the old days when everything was much more simpler and enjoyable, okay? :") Disabling Gepard would bring back a lot of players, while also giving less geared players a chance to survive even with ping disadvantage. Nowadays if you aren't up to par with the gear most top PvPers have you just instantly lose, but before you could stand a chance even on legendary items. If most of the players that play for the PvP don't have anybody to PvP with, what will happen? It'll be the slow death of such a great PvP server. It gets really boring dueling the same person every single day that you end up dueling one your friends and don't even get to play against other people alongside your friends. That is all that happens in every PK area for the day, every single day.
  14. vossen ur a hater and ur trash

  15. ive gotten nearly 200 kill streaks in woe without a devo and ive played tk for like 20 hours max lol im sure any half decent player can see that its super broken even if ur not good unless u play TK like @Maiimaii he/she or whatever the fuck that thing is then its not really op
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