My funniest would be on Passion. and Compassion./Spring.
I was sitting in the PvP Room talking with Gourmet, then suddenly this sinx used Throw Sand on me [ I wan on my clown ]
Since, my clown is practically useless against 2 assassin crosses, i got my paladin.
I then put on my reflect gears.
Compassion. and Passion. both hit me and they both died [ I figured it was probably Icepick/Thana ]
After this, I noticed that only Passion. was coming back with full buffs, but she still kept on suiciding.
About 5 minutes later, Spring came and used Asura on me, but he failed ti killme and ended up killing himself.
Passion. tried to help him but she also failed.
Gourmet then logs off. [ Thanks Buddy LOL ILY ]
After a while, Passion. left and only Spring came back. But still failed in using Asura.
Then people started arriving. - Ash -, [ Armani ] and some random people went in. [ Armani ] was first on his non-donor champ s he got killed by Spring. [ Armani ] then brings his sinx and whoops Spring repeatedly.
Since i was tired in fighting 2 people, I jsu sat there and watched while [ Armani ] continued to whoop ass.