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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. I can finally catch a mareep again qq
  2. I vote for 5. It's the only thing worth looking at. :\
  3. The best bets of castles are those from Alde. Why? It's going to be real hard to access the Emp Room. This will also give the team holding the castle an advantage. So once you get through the defenses and warping tricks, you are in the Emp Room [ Alde's Emp Rooms are rather huge ;_; ]. Guild Masters that passed the tricks can e-call and fight for the emp :] [ Epic Battle FTW ] Once the invading team gets the emp, they will now have the advantage and so on and so forth. :[
  4. LOL. Grats guys <3
  5. OMG IM SO USING THEM. :D PM me you're in game name to get your ygg tickets :X
  6. Gauntlet

    Story of RO?

    Gawd. The story was long, and fun to read LOL. :D
  7. He jsut wanted to hunt the old fashioned way. LOL. I was actually a bit disappointed PK was gone in all maps except PvP :[
  8. Gauntlet

    New Player...

    Actually since you just started, I am advising you first make a wizard. Farm all popular items and PvP materials. This will get you fast money and coupons for good equips. Once you have about 80 coupons, try to buy a Forsaken Helm. Gather about 60 coupons more to get 2 kiel cards. This will make our farming faster until you get the whole set and a lot items more. Also, CLICK >:D [ And remember to send a PM to Damascus saying thanks. ]
  9. You people actually think i am going to do it eh? -.- I H U now </3
  10. This castle pawns. We always took this castle in another server. This and Sacred Altar at payon. :]
  11. As I recall, not much have changed about WoE. Some of the people during the early months of FRO didn't really WoE for the castle, but just to slay everyone in their path. Now, WoE is cool. Even though there are only a few motivated to get the castle as there are few PvPers left n the server. [ There are about 60 Active PvP people at a certain amount of time and 120 Inactive PvPers ] WoE is good, but there is always room for improvement. [ In this case, there is definitely room for improvement ] I guess, WoE can be improved by adding a little bit more spice to it.
  12. I see. This didnt actually happen. Anyway, I wanted to know the opinion of many. And I have to say that I totally agree with Dama.
  13. My funniest would be on Passion. and Compassion./Spring. I was sitting in the PvP Room talking with Gourmet, then suddenly this sinx used Throw Sand on me [ I wan on my clown ] Since, my clown is practically useless against 2 assassin crosses, i got my paladin. I then put on my reflect gears. Compassion. and Passion. both hit me and they both died [ I figured it was probably Icepick/Thana ] After this, I noticed that only Passion. was coming back with full buffs, but she still kept on suiciding. About 5 minutes later, Spring came and used Asura on me, but he failed ti killme and ended up killing himself. Passion. tried to help him but she also failed. Gourmet then logs off. [ Thanks Buddy LOL ILY ] After a while, Passion. left and only Spring came back. But still failed in using Asura. Then people started arriving. - Ash -, [ Armani ] and some random people went in. [ Armani ] was first on his non-donor champ s he got killed by Spring. [ Armani ] then brings his sinx and whoops Spring repeatedly. Since i was tired in fighting 2 people, I jsu sat there and watched while [ Armani ] continued to whoop ass. >:]
  14. This purely example and never happened to me. [ I didnt do it either =[ ] Let's say, I was sitting in Forsaken City with a Party Hat. Someone then PM's me and offers 50 coupons for my hat. After the deal, the person then realizes that it's not a New Year hat but a Party Hat [ But I already logged off ]. This person then files a "Scammed" Report. Will I get punished, or will this case be dismissed? Thanks. [ BTW, I dont plan to do it. It just popped into my mind. ]
  15. Gauntlet

    New GMs

    My sentiments exactly. <3
  16. Gauntlet

    New GMs

    Uhm. Yay? o.o Anyway, LOL Icon. ;]
  17. Gauntlet

    New GMs

    Take it easy Gen. You know it is your duty as an admin to stay dedicated to the server, but you have to focus more on college :]
  18. Gauntlet

    New GMs

    Yeah.Lots of our game masters are in college. :[ Wish them luck on their finals too =]
  19. Uhm, this is a stock photo. Please make me one D: I'll give you uhm.... a big gay dance in game. The big gay dance comes with 20 yggdrasil berry tickets ;] [ Yah, I am poor. I am saving for a Golden Valk Helm and Myth Wings so bear with me ] The sig can be vertical or horizontal. You can also alter the image size. If possible, i want " Invulnerable " written somewhere there. Thanks in advance. ;]
  20. Gauntlet

    Questions? x]

    Coupons ---> You can get Event Coupons through events, and you can exchange them for Donation Coupons on the Event NPC Auras ---> Equipment that gives additional stat points. All auras are in mid headgear. Equips ---> Equipment? o.o These are your items. What you wear. >_> Wings ---> Luxuries of players. All wings give +15% Movement Speed, except the Mythological Wings. Leveling ---> Leveling your character perhaps? -_- Depends on your level, equipment, and skills.
  21. Gauntlet

    Making A Sig

    I can now define spam properly. Anyways. Im going to try, but post a screenie or something :<
  22. Mini Furnace perhaps? It's available at Blacksmith place.
  23. Seriously. If you think WoE is that much, just make a guild with your friends on it and do your best. I WoE occasionally just to see if there are other guilds willing to take the castle but w/e. When it comes to community, we can't really blame the people. Many might get offended but get real. After the rollback, many people became bishes. Plus. I dont get it. People boast on their skills and stuff. They see people with the same class they play and they comment on " EWW only 12K Damage? Wannabes..... " and then you attack and kill hat person. He wants vengeance and you get shocked when that person attacks you. Not beacuse that person is strong, but because that person deals like 6K damage only, and you actually kill that person faster than the person that got insulted. You kill them, they trash talk. They say " OMG Ima get FCP and pawnjoo fcker " but the weird thing is that you didnt use a breaking / stripping equipment >_> People just dont like admitting that they aren't perfect. Just because they were around in the server longer, they think they rule it. OH AND BTW. How come you actually have player classifications? Players are players. If there are new people, they might not have great equips but they may be good on w/e class they play. Old players that have been around, you know what it was like. The fun old days where even the new players can fight without proper equips ( like me at that time <3 ). If you are new to a server, you are just new to THAT server. It doesnt mean that you are new to RO. You may lack the information about the server but of course these will come to you. When it comes to
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