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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. i actually think its fine. You enter PvP with all risks involved. So yeah. I usually have the only 2 members left from SaD on me :\ (yet i emerge victorious *cough cough*
  2. Gauntlet

    I Need Help

    try to download the valhalla realm patcher to make patching an easy job for you <3
  3. Gauntlet


    Try cleaning your keyboard? O.o Same thing happened to my enter button. -_- Couldnt chat
  4. Gauntlet

    WoE Ideas.

    As much as im concerned, i did WoE when there were two castles open. :\ However, we did see that it was not easy to defend both castles if we were being attacked by Scientology guild or Patchworks himself -.- Anyway. What about a new WoE System? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO TRANSCENDENT CLASSES WOE! >:D It will give a chance to all those baby characters to actually do WoE LOL If ever this was to happen, I'm sure i will WoE /heh
  5. Gauntlet

    WoE Ideas.

    More castles = Not the answer to WoE problems -There is like a new drop item which gives lots of yggs in every castle -Golden Valkyrie Helm, Mythological Wings, and Emperium Aurora will not be that rare since there are many castles in differenct guild areas -Opening more castles will make encounters with other guilds less :/ Anyway, what i would like to suggest is that you enable more skills in WoE e.g. - High Jump - Backslide (i dont WoE so im not sure if this is enabled) Giving these skills might encourage more players to WoE because they will think that they can now get to the emperium room much much quicker. Anyway, that is only my opinion :\
  6. yay. i finally have a forum account after months of not being able to access it X_X anyway, nice to be here. Im Andy a.k.a. Amytiville, Gauntlet :D Oh, and im not Stride :D so yeah, after finally quitting 4 other private servers, i now officially belong to ForsakenRO. You'll be seeing a lot of me walking around and pesterin people at PVP with a novice/baby novice XD anyway, all i wanted to say is: HAI =]
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