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Everything posted by Peacecraft

  1. Well, if there is any reward, it should be at least level, so maybe the tower have drops? Can any player or staff confirm endless tower reward? Is there anyway to drop twin edges?
  2. how does fRO Endless Tower work? all comands are blocked(autoloot), mobs dont have drops, mvps included, etc. Why climb tower? is there any reward? Also, is there any major mob spawn change? or just 3x mvps? Thx in advance,
  3. Check card description: effect nullified if more than 2 Silver Kiels are equipped. Using 2 Silver Kiels you have -30% delay, using 3 u have no reduction. Original Kiel card does not have this limitation, you can equip 3 for -90% delay.
  4. No, it dones not apply to magic damage. You can check ktullanux card script: { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,50; bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_FROSTNOVA",10,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; },{},{} Has exactly the same effect as Vandon: { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,20; },{},{} So, it only applies to physical and ranged attacks.
  5. In this coming holyday,i am looking forward to see my family and all my school friends. I moved way because of college and is always nice to come back home. Night beach time friends!
  6. i see some people using christimas clothes, where do i get them? its possible to use beach clothes too?
  7. 1kpcs wind converter [80] L.arrow set (oridecon arrow included) [85] [sold] Whitering L. Ballon [38]
  8. thanks!
  9. Its possible/licit to use multi client on forsaken Ro?
  10. L.arrow set (oridecon arrow included) [85] L.Zodiac (dark red) [38] Whitering L.Ballon [38]
  11. for_elite 66 102 http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/headgear-quests/legendary-gauntlet-quest-r131 you must be forsaken knight
  12. Need help, 4th day on server. Itens: Berrytix Sinx mvp card L.arrow set Gauntlet (most expensive) F. tolken in zeny Thx in advance.
  13. Oh, i got it. Thx Problem solved.
  14. Well, i teleport to some weird renewal map and got gravity erro (RO already up to date). Now i cannot use the char. May the staff, please, reset my sniper location? Nick: Ogre Darner
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