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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by niemono89

  1. Thanks for the info GM Clover and GM Bishop :th_ok:
  2. Well is just my boosting idea, if GM's feels those are overpower/unbalance. Fell free to adjust :th_ok: it
  3. Legendary gunslinger rifle effects: 1. Critical rate boost around 80-100 2. Hit boost around 50-100 3. Luk stat boost around 20-40 4. Increase critical damage by % 5. Increase damage to demi human by % 6. Increase wounding shot skill damages 7. Reduce cast time / instant cast / increase damage for tracking skill
  4. Also. Legendary gatling gun effect: 1.Dex stat boost around 10-60 2.Attack boost around 100-500 3.Hit boost around 100-500 4.Nullify the gatling fever skill that reduce movement speed+flee effect 5.Increase damage by % to demi human
  5. Well, about the Legendary grenade launchers, I have some great ideas. GM danger :th_e2: Effect: 1.Enables chances by % of autocast full divest skill(stalker), when shooting. 2.Pierces defend of mvp's def by % / extra damage to mvp's by % 3.Pierces defend of demi-human by % / extra damage to demi human by % 4.Nullify the amount of 10 bullets for each gunslinger skills
  6. Thank you GM danger, can GM danger have a view+reply about my topic "New weapons for gunslinger" at suggestion section? Hope my idea can support this server more :th_ok:
  7. Does Kraken MVP card and iz_dun05 monster cards usable for this server~? Because the title of those cards were coded by "ALIEN" wording.. :th_e33: GM's or players can reply here ASAP, thanks~ :th_ok:
  8. Hope GM's will update other than legendary revolver btw :th_ok: , at least update a legendary gunslinger rifle. Because referring to normal lever action rifle(+50 crit rate + 2x drosera card = +80 crit rate)
  9. Legendary revolver gives double damage, it wont be good to critical gunslinger
  10. Hope GM's will loves my suggestion for the future gunslinger new updates :th_ok: : 1>Legendary gunslinger Rifle 2>Legendary gunslinger Shotgun 3>Legendary gunslinger Grenade Launcher + Legend Spheres bullet quest(grenade launcher) Reason: For more best options to choose, since this server of gunslinger's legend quest only have 'Legendary gunslinger Revolver'.
  11. This build are only for PVM and MVP. Also the second best option besides DEX/VIT/INT build gs. Stat: STR:1-50(bonus atk+weight)*each 5 str=1 atk* AGI:120-130(add dex, then agi*195aspd*) VIT:100(status immunity) INT:1(coz ur a crit gs) DEX:250-280(max damages) LUK:120-150(max critical rate, perfect dodge,bonus hit+atk) Equips:use grenade launcher(pierces mvp hard def), gatling gun, rifle, shotgun(3 cells splash damage) for better damage outputs) Head upper:Fking helm(2xGrand peco card) Head middle:Anything(Vanberk card) Head lower:Anything(Vanberk card/maya purple card/pharaoh card) Armor:Fking armor(Pecopeco card+ghostring card/tao gunka card/argiope card/high priest card) Weapon:eisa's ember/nari's harbinger/legendary shotgun(2xArcher skeleton card/2xDrosera card/2xTurtle general card/2xPhreeoni card/*baphomet card*) Garment:Fking cloak(2xGreen maiden card/Green maiden card+deviling card) Footgear:Fking shoe(2xGreen ferus card/firelock soldier card/general egnigem cenia card) Accessory:Anything(Ifrit card)+LUK gauntet/2x LUK gauntet/LUK gauntet+DEX gauntet *Grand peco+pecopeco combo effect: DEF+3, VIT+3* *Baphomet gave extra 9 cells splash melee/range+DEX-10 while auto-attack(ctrl+click) Enjoy, fellow gunslingers :th_e8:
  12. Thank you,Gm ares+Gm bishop :th_e5:
  13. Lets say, whole earth are waiting these anime to be remake :th_ok:
  14. Today have no party to host, n now im back to baristas helping, feels good to be a newbie back <3

  15. Agumon warp shinka.............. wargreymon~ <3

    1. niemono89


      Digimon adventure tri: saikai fever is beginning again <3

  16. we know right :th_ok:
  17. My favourite old times seinen anime remake is released kya~ :th_ok: Link: http://anilinkz.tv/search?q=digimon+tri There will be 4 parts of that movie, it will be release 2nd part at winter 2016~^^
  18. Is there will be patch for gunslinger 2nd job changes=rebellion soon~? If there is, I cant wait to make a gunslinger :th_ok:
  19. Its effect : Increase damage against fire property monster by 50%, adds 3% chances of autocasting lv10 frost nova when receiving physical damages on target. Does it damages increase of 50% applies to matk/spells too~? :th_wink: Please reply here thanks~ :th_meow:
  20. How long it will respawn after killed IFRIT~~? :th_e14: Please reply here thanks :th_swt3: :th_blush:
  21. Can anyone tell me the coordinates of the gauntet quest~? Seems cant find the npc btw........ :th_e30:
  22. Well, asked many players in the server, they have no answer actually :th_e32: Please reply here, guys~ :th_thx:
  23. Seems like this section does not have a SOLID Gunslinger build :th_e30: Just post it here, if you guys have it :th_e8:
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