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Anna ♥

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Anna ♥ last won the day on April 2 2017

Anna ♥ had the most liked content!

About Anna ♥

  • Birthday 07/17/1995

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Anna ♥'s Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Hi, I was just a bit confused about Aurora of Love's (aka Love Aura) effect: All stats + 20, PD + 10, Flee + 40, Hit + 50 By "PD" do you mean "Physical Defense"? or is it "Physical Damage"? if it is the latter, does the +10 mean +10%? or is it just +10? Sorry, idk if this has been clarified before or whatever. I tried to search it on the forum but nothing really relevant appears as a result. Thanks! ♥
  2. LF>Donator -- B>Striking Leopard Cap = 1.6k -- Any Donators? -- #

  3. Please sell me one... Oh, and please don't tell me it's 2k. It's not Ltd for Pete's sake. (Who's Pete? idk) Buzz me in-game: Super Anna, Champion. Thanks a lot ♥
  4. Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it... Or so they say...

  5. Boss Beret ♥
  6. :th_swt3: :P ♥
  7. I wonder when they could get implemented. I am really looking forward on to having some of them! Can we include these on the Fate Roulette prize list :D
  8. Well, if you say so... I believe in you guys, so keep it up... :th_no1: Yeah, almost everyone has the same headgear now. I think we should find a way to burn them off the server, something like Legendary Headgear (from casino) to Casino Chips converter... something like 1 HG= 10 chips... you know, something to fund our gambling addiction :th_e4: because no players buy it coz' basically everyone has it.
  9. What happened to the casino... 1 moment it was the busiest, most fun rooms in the city, but now... it's just another room like any other rooms
  10. Can the Appearance changing effect on Slot machines be removed? pls...
  11. Wow, a casino :th_e19: ... hmm... wonder how many days it would take to make me broke. Haha but it's worth it in the name of kawaii♥ headgear :th_lv: see you when I'm begging for tokens guys! :th_heh:
  12. wow looks cool ♥
  13. Anna ♥


    I want to join this contest... but first, lemme take a selfie ♥ Edit: I put on some filter and turn it to gray-scale :th_e4:
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