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B u m b l e B e e

Forsaken Elite
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B u m b l e B e e last won the day on July 30 2017

B u m b l e B e e had the most liked content!

About B u m b l e B e e

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Philadelphia, PA

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  • Real Name
    B u m b l e B e e
  • Ingame Character Names
    B u m b l e B e e
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B u m b l e B e e's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)




Community Answers

  1. Try redownloading All-In-One file
  2. Warsong is closed atm.
  3. there are players with OP items that their opponents doesnt have. Some of the items in Fro are expensive that other people couldn't afford. it would be nice if they will start with newbie items and may the best build wins.
  4. General Biology in the summer is boring >,<

  5. +1 to this, but I would also suggest that players can create a new character like NvZ with fixed non donation items and players can setup battle items and skills because if we use our own items, it wont be fair to others (non-donators). It would be like battle of skilled players, not just battle of OP items.
  6. file a ticket regarding this problem so GMs can help you.
  7. I'm in class playing fRO and browsing forums :D

    1. dlsmizel




    2. Capuccino


      I'm in the office checking forums. :D

    3. B u m b l e B e e
  8. Fokin fRO logo covered me ?
  9. +1 for this. When I enter Thana room then gets DC, I have to wait 2 hours again, which pisses me off and thus, nowadays, server disconnects frequently.
  10. B> Pally Cursed Set = I'm paying pure pm me in-game Pray For Plagues or Smells Like Teen Spirit
  11. Afaik, NV type whitesmith is just the same as other matk jobs. Just make your matk high and you'll be good.
  12. Try reading rayray's guide
  13. I think these kind of transaction is not allowed in this server. Better ask GMs first. @Genesis @Moon @Danger @Euphoria
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