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Mandy Lim

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Mandy Lim last won the day on September 6 2015

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About Mandy Lim

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  • Real Name
    Sky Ng
  • Ingame Character Names
    Mandy Lim
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  1. /shy /shy /shy +1 Poke them with a stick LOL +1
  2. And somemore please dont forget about angeling card This is a serious fucked for wizzy
  3. Umm... Actually Im also feel like the stave damage is a little bit too low Since thana doesnt works on everyone New weapon for stave is a bad idea My suggestion is boost up stave damage on highness to 120% and add 10% more MATK on highness Somemore please find out something to againts GTB stalker
  4. Yeah because Wizard damage are toooo LOW
  5. Thanks for the AWESOME guide!
  6. Nah man FBH add 10% MATK and 50% of Stave Damage Urds's + Siroma is fixed Because High Wizard Bless ring add Cold Bolt Damage Wiz doesnt need those card in boots Energy Coat can tank everything we use seeds to recover HP & SP So why are u needing so many of SP?
  7. Upper Headgear = LTD helm x2 (Kiel+Mayapurple) (Kiel+Forsaken Soldier) + Loli Mask(Kiel) Middle Headgear = Butterfly Aura (Kiel) Lower Headgear = High Wizard Ring of Divine (Kiel) Weapon = Highness Staff x3 (Kingringx4) (Samurai,TG,TG,Phree) (Thana,TG,Phree,Phree) + Lwiz (DragonWarlordx2, Whitesmith, Phree) Armor = King Armorx2 (Ghostring+TGK) (Puppetring+TGK) Sheild = Frigg's x2 (GTB & Usakoring) Cloak = King Cloak x2 (Skoll+ Raydric) (Salamanderx2) Boots = King Boots (FBHx2) Accessory = Urd's Earringx2 (Runes) Stats = Str 70+ Agi 99 (Aspd 195) Int 280+ Dex 111 Vit 140+ Good Luck for all the Wizard and Enjoy ForsakenRO! <3
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