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Everything posted by danahhyeah

  1. or +10 LTD Black Satan to your 1x LTD Box
  2. LOL I saw this one too! This needs to be fixed!
  3. B> Ninja Bless Ring Set = 4k pure tokens
  4. How's my Summer? Oh well it was a Gloomy one! Me and my girl ended our 6 year relationship and I was absolutely lost, lost to the point that I can't get hold of myself any more, and I would say that was the worst kind of Depression that I have ever experienced. I tried different kinds of stuffs as a diversion on what was happening: Drowning myself with alcohol, smoke weed( was my first time :th_sry: ) , and etc.(I'm pretty sure all of them were unpleasant :th_e33: ). But yeah, I lose grip on reality to the point that I didn't recognize myself any more, so my friend suggested me to watch this movie "500 days of Summer" and it was absolutely life-changing! After watching the movie, I viewed heartbreaks in a whole different way! I felt free, but yeah I know that was just like a temporary feeling, so I kept on looking for a diversion and I thought about playing MMO! I was wandering the maze of my own thoughts and I decided to play Ragnarok! Why Ragnarok? well it's a very nostalgic game for me since it was my first MMO that I played! I just had this feeling of regaining myself back from what had happened, even the "ME" before I had my first girlfriend :th_ok: . I was searching for a server to play with for like an hour and bumped into this site called xtremetop100.com. I chose ForsakenRO because it was featured at the very top of the page, and I knew it was featured for a reason so I gave it a shot! Well, I've been playing the game actively for 16hrs a day, my only break time is when I'm asleep but sometimes I don't :th_e4: :th_heh: . In forsakenRO, I found awesome people! they're really close to me right now (Shoutout to The Finest Guild! :th_ew: :th_gawi: ). While I have been enjoying the game, I just realized that Life doesn't stop for anyone, people come and people go and all you gotta do is to Stand up for yourself! No one can help you but YOU! ( well this is technically true lol :th_no1: :th_e3: ). PM me ingame! I like meeting new folks although I take the word pvp seriously lol. I bet others hate me for that! I just randomly kill people out on a whim! IGN: Dannibal :th_gg:
  5. NIFLHEIM Night Is Full of Lawless Hylozoists, Empowering their Inner Mayhem. IGN: Dannibal
  6. Hello Everyone! I'm just a week old in the server and I'm trying to complete the Fate of the Gods II quest, but it seems like I can't find any parties for this Raid so Im looking for a miracle in this forum. If Anyone's willing to help out, just pm me ingame "Dr Hannibal Lecter" or "The Unburnt". It would be awesome if someone will help me! Thank you and have a nice day :D
  7. I think the best way to advertise a new event is to give some consolation prizes for the losing teams (at least for the first 3 events or something like that), so that they will be encouraged to join knowing the fact that they'll lose anyway( undergeared, newbie, etc). As a new player, its good to have a taste on how intense the PvP system in this server or how cool this server is, thats like the main motivation for newbies in a PK server out there! :) Just saying though :) More powerr!
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