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Guardian Angel

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Everything posted by Guardian Angel

  1. I hope so too. :th_blush: Cameron! I usually hang out at Izlude. I see you sometimes But you are AFK. :th_sry: We can chat again if the opportunity Arises Thank you Victoria!! It was a lot coming from you. :th_meow:
  2. The
  3. Indeed I am! The person below me will give me chocolates in game! :th_e4:
  4. hey hey hey!
  5. ~Thank You~
  6. Thank you! Glad to Be Back!
  7. Good day, :th_no1: Hello I'm Angel. Nice to meet you guys, I just started playing a month ago and I'm a bit shy when it comes to me talking to all of you when I got no items. So I Introduced myself and made an account at a latter date. So sorry for that. :th_meow: I am a fellow returnee. I was at the era of the guild Remember the Forgotten , The era of Spicy Creed, and Somehow got to know many more friends, not to mention Precious Baby and Precious Bio! Hi Ma'am I'm Your Fan! Teach me how to biochem senpai~~~ I heard you were back. or rather I saw you back. I feel old now. Haha. Fellow Players, how are you? I was anti-social then so you may or may not know me. I also forgot my Old Main character's name so ~ :th_sry: ~. This is my new Account. so whoever knows meor wants to be friends with me, can add me. Just be warned though. I am a bit stingy sometimes. So an advance apology to all of you. And thank you for Reading. :th_blush: :th_lv:
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