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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Calcifer

  1.  _
    V  \
     \  \_
       |\ `. `.       
       ( \  `. `-.                        _,.-:\
        \ \   `.  `-._             __..--' ,-';/
         \ `.   `-.   `-..___..---'   _.--' ,'/
          `. `.    `-._        __..--'    ,' /
            `. `-_     ``--..''       _.-' ,'
              `-_ `-.___        __,--'   ,'
                 `-.__  `----"""    __.-'
  2. (•⊙ω⊙•)

    1. spycyfy



  3. Nope, it makes me cry when I'm mad QwQ Have you ever been so mad you booked a plane for a vacation?!
  4. 880
  5. Granted but it falls towards you whenever you take a look at it. I wish to be the best cook in the world!
  6. Showed
  7. Yes please, gently. Nyaaa~ (LOLJK) TPBM is kawaii! <3
  8. Granted but it would be just humming (Hmmmm hmmm hmmmm HMMMMMMMM HmHmMhmHmHm~) I wish to have the power to read minds c:
  9. Suddenly
  10. 874
  11. Hugs are always welcome! TPBM -- Needs a vacation c:
  12. Champ B.Ribbon Set = Pure +10 LTD Mint Cat HP = Pure Mint Lighthalzen Aura = Pure Last item left :D
  13. I love sleeping! TPBM doesn't like pineapples in their pizza c:
  14. I love Muffins c: *nom nom nom*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. c0okiee


      atleast its not cookiee's :D

      thank god

    3. Calcifer


      If it was cookies-- your current profile picture would be epic hahaha!

    4. Ochibi


      U say muffin ! I smell Mai *-*

  15. Calcifer

    Selling Stuff

    Champ B.Ribbon Set = Pure +10 LTD Mint Cat HP = Pure Mint Lighthalzen Aura = Pure
  16. S> LK Blessed Set ( Ring + Freyr's Sword ) = Pure PM me here or in-game.
  18. T> LK Blessed Ring = LK Blessed Ribbon + Tokens [OFFER] Send me a message here or in-game Mikasa Ackerman (Alt+255 for the space / or might be just a normal space -- try it both hahahaha)
  19. Deal I'm online right now, what's your IGN?
  20. Just bought one..... Are you willing to trade your B.Ribbon+ toks = ChampB.Ring? [send me a message to negotiate]
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