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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ~Ethernal

  1. Resist Good Soup. #1 Created, #1 In All.
  2. Sorry i didn't Know, i just made it because i was bored, and im trying to help in something. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/cp/ Ranking, Champion And #5 Is me Roy Mustang Flame when i started using that champ i just saw you on Lament the Biochemist. Never Saw your sinX, Maybe because you haven't finished your builds or something. So i didn't know you had that name, sorry again, maybe i should change it. Nah!. =P Who Gave you that nickname, Are you Mike From Good Soup? Ah We y dame tu email. Payasito =P..
  3. Good Soup Colors.
  4. Kewl.
  5. Damascus Dame tu Email, Me haces falta =P.
  6. Get Money and buy them, i have 12,200 Edp.
  7. And You Are?
  9. >.> Thats a penis O.o
  10. ~Ethernal

    My siggy

    Omfg she's so goood, where she can found a Character simulator with Valky Helm.. T_T help me sincerity please :D..
  11. ~Ethernal

    My siggy

    GMs Who did yours??? pretty nice..
  12. ~Ethernal

    My siggy

    well i will search them.. ty guys for your comments.. they really showed me i have to work harder or my friend XD in sigs.
  13. ~Ethernal


    Welcome Waki !! <3, Im IceFlame Nice to meet you.. If you need a guild, Goooooooooood Soup !! ( Terminus [GL] )
  14. Welcome to Forsaken RO, hope to enjoy it and don't leave it !! ^^.. In case if you need a guild, Good Soup ^^ <3
  15. ~Ethernal

    My siggy

    Where i can find Original sprites?? with same Cloth color and items :C.. It's not mine a friend did it.. '' By Kebbel ''
  16. I'll wait for next WOE..
  17. First learn what does flame means before typing it D: ... * pretending to keep reading your posts *
  18. 1st. Im Reporting that. 2nd. Im not the Leader #^@&%&. ^^ 1st. Who teh hell are you? 2nd. Go to pvp, Without Seeds and without your devotion and show me who you're. or try to kill Terminus /gg. Btw.. For one reason we merged dumb.. we asked sorry to them and they did to us.. thats called make peace !! if you think abit you'll undertsand it.. and 2nd this doesnt concerns you homer >.>.. And When i posted that, i rly dont wanted to fight D: ... Just Asking why you didnt it..
  19. GM02 Fan Club !! join today this is for 2nd Chars guild !! Not Woe Active !! In Honor to GM02.. Because he's so nice, he helps alot, one of our favorites GM !! We Been Thankful for all your effort and hard work, for obtain a clean and enjoyable server.. Thanks GM02, Your Club..
  20. ~Ethernal

    My siggy

    Hey my siggy ownz you all XD?.. please post your comments about it :D
  21. Hey why you didn't post.. when i took your emp. against your 9 members xD?
  22. spam then :D!
  23. Hi, you guys know me i decided to join with good soup, im tired of being a GL ! :D andd Legacy < Good Soup :D
  24. ~Ethernal


    Mel, i Like your signature.. Nice <3 =3
  25. Welcome jessnar if you want a guild pm me >.o :]] .. xIceFlame or Roy Mustang Flame ..
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