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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ~Ethernal

  1. Racist.. I live here, and im happy.. Girls are amazing.. Oh Also i have Europe Nationality, You never went to Europe yet right? aaah poor boy, i went almost whole europe, i live in DR and im richer than you, Owned.. fcken Racist. Dang man i saw your picture, gotta go to gym man, skinny boy xDDD.. Tengo 16 de brazo, Palomaso, entendite eso?
  2. Group: Members Posts: 1,147 Joined: 23-July 07 From: Lutie Member No.: 15 Group: Members Posts: 64 Joined: 2-August 07 From: StoDgo, Dominican Republic Member No.: 60 Atleast I'm proud of where i am, and i don't care if you people hates Latins or Hispanics, which are the best persons in the world if you are kind of nice with them. And let's stop talking about races and shit.. because you guys know USA Is the worst country in the world. USA is good for winning money and then waste it in your country :)... Also, just for let you know or dumbasses who doesnt know , everything you say to latins you're also saying it to BRs and alot of countrys that their language came from latin... Including europe countries..
  3. Oh my god.. I won't say anything... They don't know what does a joke means.. Actually Damascus, You don't have a life 1,146 Posts? Amazing. Also this is a game if i take your name because i want to, i don't care what you will do, Call the police? Also most of the other servers i played, i used your name to Bot or Scam, and your name is kind of weird so i used it.. Also your first name was Mikemon, i remember him, when you came into ForsakenRO saying xIceflame Gimme items!!.. w/e. I'll just quit posting, because if i keep replying you, i wont finish today and also you won't...
  4. ~Ethernal


    It's Not my fault if you don't know how to read guides or make your own builds and suck with them. atm, You're bringing drama saying that we gang, random blah blah blah, tell me something? its funny to sit in pvp and don't do anything, its pvp if you go its because you're ready to fight in your case X__x.PVP is Player Vs Player. Okay. No i Can't, that message was for Damascus.
  5. ~Ethernal


    Por que me vas a matar? T___T. No se realmente damascus, pero pareces mas Americano que dominicano o latino, deberias apoyarlos sean como sean, si es por algo asi siempre defendere a los latinos valla a donde valla, asi como lo harian ellos conmigo, en realidad no veo por que peliar con ellos, Nunca apoyare a los estados unidos, nomas por que lo quieren todo para ellos. Y eso es algo que los dominicanos que estan alla no entienden. Pero Igual es tu criterio, yo sigo siendo amigo tuyo si quieres me matas, pero no es tampoco que me dejare.
  6. I had sex with 2 girls at the same time.
  7. Brazilians are Latins!
  8. LMAO!
  9. Im defending the latins, but right now im hitting on a azn... ^^
  10. Wrong !!! Latins beat them Dancing, Model, Booty Shaking, Smart, Lovely.
  11. Latins > All, FTW.
  12. Ms. Tavarez ( School Female Teacher that's so fcking hot. ) Open Your legs. Im White. ( Black Blood ) Sometimes i Hate Azns ( oh wait i said that once on school, they'll agreed ! ).
  13. Your favorite Song D:
  14. ~Ethernal

    Your Theme.!

    Your favorite Theme here please. Party Like A Rockstar (Remix) -Shop Boys Feat Lil Wayne, Jim Jones & Chamillionaire New York Electronic Music - 50 Dj's !! ( 9:20:30 Big song !) I'm a Rainbow Too (Techno Remix) - Bob marley (2000)
  15. sry i just dont know you.
  16. Play Basketball Make Sigs.
  17. Don't Know him.
  18. 1.Terminus ( I'll study him for 10 Hours.. I'll figure out his build. ) 2.Patchworks (... None Words ) 3.Epic (wow) 4. a Wanted criminal (Kills everyone in 0.7 Sec ) 5. Thi@go ( Kills everyone in 1 Sec ) 6. Damascus ( Kills Everyone ) 7. Break Yo Emp ( I Will Borrow his thana, i should start sending him some latin girls, same for terminus ) 8. Blizzard ( Hate his thana) 9. Irrelevant ( Just Him ) 10. Vizard / Shadow / iHunt / Boobs / Ry0shi / Me / Chronos.
  19. Scientology, I dont hate laxation, they don't attack me. Keep it out with laxation, they're just competitive and by the way, i dont see laxation anymore, the merged with Mafia ?_?. If Laxation Quit, there's not entertainment on WOE's.
  20. ^Sig. had a big erection. btw, Mario isn't a Ninja, i think is a plumber.
  21. True, That's Why it got bad quality.
  22. ^Funny and Sexeh!
  23. ^Got his 145 Posts, Posting $!#@%& Here.
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