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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ~Ethernal

  1. Play WOE with him and then eat him :]. What would you do if W. Bush ask you to give him your ForsakenRO Char or He'll bring his troops to attack you?
  2. ~Ethernal

    The Immortals

    Why don't you guys make a big alliance and merge with the rest of the guilds, and fight with influence so we can have some fun on WOE?
  3. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    Whole GM Staff.. Me or You?
  4. Reflect it Back. :] What would you do if osama bin laden is hidding under your bed?
  5. I will not talk by phone for saving 5m i will go to his home or even via msn so he can send me the money trough paypal. What would you do if fRO is closing forever in 2 Minutes?
  6. Oh Nice.. Like nerds and emos who hates everyone...
  7. Dude Dominicans can own everyone so take care if he founds you, btw Dama Hazme un comment !!
  8. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :] Me.. Friend, Friend & Me :]
  9. T_T.
  10. o.o?? I get mad, When??
  11. On Topic: I wanna meet Dragon and Assassin XXX Off Topic: Best sinX ever is on euRO, which is 1x/1x/1x And he haves a SinX 99 / 70 Wow thats God, Actually People says that if you show him your Status bar with bonus like Attack, MATK, Def, Mdef Without STR, AGI,DEX, Ect. He can tell you your 6 Status exactly with numbers + Bonus... He's an Onvi.
  12. Pshhh..
  13. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    Neither. Pizza or Chinese Food?
  14. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    Brazil. Iphone 1k GB or Patchworks build?
  15. You mean that the members of Influence Suck?
  16. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    Both. Edited: OMFG VIDA GUERRA IS HOT. Dolce & Gabanna or Dolce & Banana?
  17. Cute Face, Welcome Back :]]
  18. ~Ethernal

    Top 5 Guilds

  19. ~Ethernal

    TOP 20

  20. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    None. Benny Bennassi or David Guetta?
  21. I'll Take Incant. How much for it?
  22. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    Jackie Chan. PS3 Or Xbox 360 ?
  23. ~Ethernal

    TOP 20

    LMFAO. Right..
  24. ~Ethernal

    This or that

    Japan. 50 Cent or Eminem?
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