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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Hazard

  1. Lmao i agree with that.. But [GM]Estacy looks kinda simple /gg Good one..
  2. Hazard

    Good Job.

    Well..pass 2 week, Theres like 1 - 8 Event.. And yeah new gm's have been pick. I wish they will host like madness.. xP..
  3. I dont know you but.. Welcome back, be glad that ure Rejoining FRO. "Winks." - Ash -
  4. Lol bruno.. - Ash -
  5. My favorite is KreamField.
  6. Hazard

    Im new Here.

    Hello guys im new here :D IGN : - Ash -
  7. Hazard

    Making A Sig

    I Dream to be the best" ( Correction )
  8. Hazard

    Making A Sig

    Alright..The best one will be pick and be awarded 40 Cpon..:D.And Follow my pallet in game.. Alright Goodluck. Text : I Dream To Best. ( -_- Ive got no idea. ) IGN: - Ash -
  9. Alright..Player must vote 1 time only.. That mean no spamming..2 times vote dosent count. So,starts voting :blush: If u decide to vote just write the name of the GM And Say "hes cool" List of Gm's [GM]Zeitgetsu : [GM]Genesis : [GM]Paz : [GM]Hero : [GM]Fate : [GM]Amonrous : [GM]Hiei : [GM]Ethereal : [GM]Trochildale : [GM]Defiance : [GM]Gemini : Alright,I think thats it..Start Voting ur Coolest GM :D Remember Only 1 Time Vote..Are Count.
  10. Hazard


    Lets make ForsakenRO,look better? Uhmm..:o Dont think so..
  11. Uhmm..Cmon Levis.. Just ignored men... U cant do a thing.. Just be cool dude...
  12. Yeah its kinda lame..
  13. Miyoo..wooo sexy :P

  14. Alrgith Gm,Thanks for replying.

  15. :D Hey../kis xP

  16. Sup this is Ash :D

  17. So hello there anna.

    Im Ash Btw (,'')

  18. :blink: Hello,
  19. Alright i take the sun emblem And the dev How much.
  20. Hey im interested for ur Sun Emblem. 60 cpon Flap Deviling Wings.. 400 cpon Fcp Scroll.. ammount of 300.. And Note Handphone. Thanks alot. My IGN : - ZeLL Henz -
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