1. Are you afraid of cockroaches?
Of course, since cockroaches can make their babies, which will make your house filled with cockroaches.
2. Have you squashed one?
Yes, at least everyone in the world has squashed a cockroach once in their life.
3. If you have squashed one, have you seen a very long worm coming out of the dead creature?
No, I don't bother looking at the dead cockroach that I've just squashed, it's just too disgusting.
4. What do you usually do if a cockroach surprises you?
a. shout
b. jump
c. insta-squash
d. Others:(pls specify) _____________
A/B.) Jump away from the cockroach and shout.
5. You are sleeping in your expensive Duxiana bed and suddenly you felt like something strange is crawling in your skin, what do you do? Would you grab the cockroach and throw it somewhere? Or would you quickly jump out of your bed?
Jump out of my bed and go sleep in another room.