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Forsaken Elder
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hedkandi last won the day on December 4 2015

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About hedkandi

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    Hed Kandi
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Holy Priest (4/10)



  2. Deep in the Beijing smog right now D: Happy holidays everyone!!

    1. lights_of_purification


      Ceh! Haha. Have fun dude.

    2. hedkandi



    3. kyoshiro029
  3. waw that saving bob was prolly the most fun i had in this server for a long time

  4. ^ If he gets on gtb then your damage doubles LOL. He switches back? Then use the ring again. LOL. Spiral problems? He has sight and rsx? USE SKID TRAP ON YOURSELF. Having a hard time with spiral lock? Use pneuma as well then skid away. Seriously there are so many things a sniper can do to be elusive. What we were trying to say is that your video was more of a sample how not to play sniper rather than it being a CREDIBLE sample of why LK needs a nerf. If you have problems with that LK then go report it LOL. For me personally I've seen so many LKs on Philippine ping and yet they spam WAAAAYYY faster than that. If this post's purpose was to showcase that LK then file a report instead. Otherwise I don't see the point of nerfing LK. P.S. if you think I play LK, yes but I it is not my main character. I main sniper aka why I kept insisting that there's no problem with the LK or the class in particular. Certain classes are good or bad against certain classes. From what I'm seeing in your posts, it makes it seem that you have a personal vendetta against this LK particularly
  5. If you don't want to get spammed on by bowling bash, do not use rsx and do not freaking stand beside a wall. LKs can't spam BB well on open spaces because of the knockback. If you are complaining about spiral as well get a dang pneuma card. Seriously I don't mean to be harsh nor rude but your video has ZERO credibility as to why you should nerf LK. To be honest this was more of a demonstration on how insanely bad that sniper is on PvP LOL
  6. Kudos to that sniper for fighting in melee range with LK. L O L Anyway -1. LKs are difficult to fight against but not impossible. Ever heard of VR, and other annoying cards or equipment? "Oh but what if they just gtb?" Then your damage doubles which is better for you. "Oh what it they rsx so i can't push them back?" Cloak, cspeed away. "Oh but I can't afford cspeeds and sinx card." Then don't pvp. Farm for more items P.S. tell that sniper to please learn other sniper skills. LOL and please tell him the reason why snipers are called snipers because they fight from long range. AKA always keep a distance lmao
  7. It doesn't really mean that you get more donators, my point is that the current donators will have more buyers due to more players having access to expansion hat usage. This is also favorable for people who want to use expansion hats but does not want to invest on fking ABCs. You'd be surprised on how much people are willing to spend for good aesthetics.As for php, it cannot be avoided. Whether this suggestion is approved or not the rate of people selling via php will still be the same. If your main problem is php then do your best as a member of this server to look out for people buying or selling via php. Every private server has people selling via real money. It's inevitable so I don't see the point of not supporting this suggestion just because of "php".
  8. +1 This could be a possible way of reviving the server's economy. More hats means more demand for donators. More donators means more profit for the server. I can't really see a down side to this since votes will also helps advertise the server. I don't see the price of the expansion hats dropping as well due to this, so I guess I'll have to agree. One thing I'd like to see along with this is to change the vote counting system of the server. I mean you can literally open the links before and not vote, just close them right away and you still get the points. If the server can find a way to make people really vote, I guess the actual votes will help raise our server's popularity and people will start taking the time out to vote if expansion hats were to be compatible with vote sets.
  9. RGM> Monarchy: SOCIAL GUILD. Check the forum page for details or leave me a message for invites :)

    1. Scytheart


      hi nvite me pls im newbie, where is ur turf?

  10. hedkandi

    The Monarchy

    Currently 74 slots available LMAO
  11. I wonder how those people living in the Philippines spams skills faster than western ping and claim they have 20 ping ;) Seems a bit odd considering what you guys have been saying about South East Asians having 300+ ping. #justsaying
  12. yup. im on 100% matk reflect and this bio tanks 30k bolts... and i get accussed of autopot LMFAO sir are u on drugs

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rayray


      That's because he can't think of any other way on how you can tank that. That's why he probably thought you are using the same stuff he probably is using :p

    3. Aerofox



      *he IS using

    4. Rayray


      I like to give the benefit of the doubt. :p

  13. May I have you?
  14. Can a gm confirm if there's a repentance raid or not this year? ALL their npcs are disabled and yet it's still advertised on the 2015 halloween post

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      some of them only gives 2 tickets.... my journey in attaining that fox ears is gonna take a while....

    3. hedkandi


      Lol my same thoughts as well. I thought it was gonna be quick for me :(

    4. kyoshiro029


      But i want those fox ears.... /slur

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