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Everything posted by Opiate

  1. the god himself. all hail. pm pls
  2. seriously lol the skill acts as if it has 0 hit. it's just silly how long this skill has been messed up
  3. FAS adds 20 crit, therefore 84 crit really gives you 104 with your current build you die to asura in one shot, FAS in two shots, vulcan in one shot, etc. you're fucked in literally any situation. you'll be burning through seeds faster than you can mash them, and along with mana uses you'll never win any fight. at least with DS you'll be able to sustain even a tiny bit. inca snipers are shit yes, but DS is a lot better in the meantime since they're not entirely useless like your current build makes you. if you're not absolute shit at abusing elements you'll still have pretty decent damage. yeah, use ship captain for damage. forget it hinders you entirely by allowing you to get stone cursed or abused by cloak all day by any half decent player.
  4. ship captain shouldn't be used as a main top headgear. it's situational and makes you very vulnerable without a fsold/maya purple. your build is horribly bad anyway, at least for pvp. judging from your stats you don't have freyrs/ifrits, in which case don't bother wasting your stats on an FAS build. just go with DS until you can get crit gloves. you'll just get 2 shotted with 110k HP. you should really switch to a DS build in the meantime.
  5. klsjdlkjslk
  6. save up for colored vote RAW!
  7. plat is the real struggle, god bless
  8. they're asking about an AA only build
  9. flat out crit snipers are only good for MVPing but still easily outdone by FAS. the build is the same except you don't really need ifrits to maintain a 100% crit chance against most bosses. the only "trick" to that is having the correct elements for your arrows
  10. the real situation here is the impact changing something like this could have on the economy
  11. post a report in the ticket system or try to catch a GM when they're online
  12. monopolies will always exist when it comes to these kinds of things but flat out ip banning someone for trying to farm the room is silly. there has to be some other way to deal with it if it bothers people so much
  13. even so a simple fix to the capes being useable would fix that, not bolt nerfs. i just don't see the reasoning behind the bolt changes since matk classes are really no problem whatsoever. all of them are very easy to counter
  14. have you tried changing the screen resolution?
  15. not only will you not feel it that much you won't feel it at all.
  16. i wonder what was the reasoning behind the nerfs anyway? if it was to compensate for stun locking then why not up the damage to compensate? as it is the viable classes for pvp are very quickly being slimmed down to lord knight, sniper, champ and clown. everything else is simply obsolete or only useful for their utility - such as bio (not really but their maximum strength requires a lot of money), priest, pally, etc. prof was extremely weak to begin with. and if it was a nerf for super novices why not just nerf their HP, where the real problem is?
  17. yes
  18. run the program as administrator
  19. just letting you know this is a moot point. assassin link doesnt allow you to spam sonic blow faster also while yes sinx does lose a shield while sonic blowing, that's only while they're actually using the skill. they have two of the best defensive skills in the game in back slide and cloak, plus any good player can just swap out a shield instead of facetanking it like a moron
  20. oh god please no, redux builds are already such a boring part of pvp
  21. the skill is not really viable whatsoever in the grand scheme of things in its current state. with the recent sonic blow changes sinx is a bit hard to build as anything other than a crit machine. but int sinx is very weak unless you have an insane amount of money to put into it. the damage output for soul destroyer builds is easily outseeded
  22. the renewal client has this but i don't think this server is going to have that any time soon
  23. or maybe instead of them seeing a psychologist you should buy a diary for stuff like this :th_e4:
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