1st of all there were new ppl that came here tryin to disallow berry usage from pvp, and lets say it in a good way (THEY FAILED) wanna know why?
Berrys keeps the balance of the server cuz not all classes can take the dmg dealed from others... For example GS and Snipers but this apply more to GS, since they cant use shields along side with wep they get more dmg than other classes.
Another thing is that berrys also helps the economy of the server out, cuz its a item that ppl buy and is usable, so it runs out.
Now with the wizards, this has been talked a lot bout wizards, 1st was gtb to be nerfed, 2nd was about strip and melee dmg, and now the weight sigh.
But the truth is that u cant make a wizzard to get 300 weight for each str they put... I bet u saw my calculation. Now imagine a wizard messin around at pvp with 3k berrys to spam like crazy, NOT COOL >:O.
But i think u can ask for a HP Boost.