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Groxy Drank

Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Groxy Drank

  1. Disagree...
  2. Groxy Drank

    Pvp Time

    U cant disable Safety Wall and i bet u do know why right now. Check for_fild and ull find lots of ppl. Another thing is that u can tell your friends to go in pvp and have fun, you will see that ppl will start to go inside.
  3. I agree with the BOS and Cwater icons. And also with the animation since I normally use BoS or Cwaters when I tss with champ and run away of coverters.
  4. Agreed!!!
  5. Happy new year...Remember about the word friend. always there.

  6. LOL Nines poor laptop dude. But after all that wasnt needed to bring about the laptop, i agree with nines somethin needs to be done for the lag in woe and disable dmg is one of the best suggestions. And lets face it all the good breakers know their dmg i mean it wont change from 1 woe to another if u havent changed your build. And like it was said by someone else before u can test your damage with False Angels (OLD SCHOLL STUFF)
  8. i think those commands were already suggested but i rlly dont know in what endep up the suggestion so i wont say anything about that. Hm i dont use the healers of the citys cuz i got berrys... So no comments. Yeah it could be fine to just clic and repair but...(YES I BROUGHT THE BUT WITH ME /gg ), BUT why are u ppl so lazy is it that hard to hit enter twice? OMG!!!!! One of this days with all those lazy ppl there will be a suggestion for a event with Free F sets as price... sigh sry for being so rude. :D im not like this in game :)
  9. 1st of all there were new ppl that came here tryin to disallow berry usage from pvp, and lets say it in a good way (THEY FAILED) wanna know why? Berrys keeps the balance of the server cuz not all classes can take the dmg dealed from others... For example GS and Snipers but this apply more to GS, since they cant use shields along side with wep they get more dmg than other classes. Another thing is that berrys also helps the economy of the server out, cuz its a item that ppl buy and is usable, so it runs out. Now with the wizards, this has been talked a lot bout wizards, 1st was gtb to be nerfed, 2nd was about strip and melee dmg, and now the weight sigh. But the truth is that u cant make a wizzard to get 300 weight for each str they put... I bet u saw my calculation. Now imagine a wizard messin around at pvp with 3k berrys to spam like crazy, NOT COOL >:O. But i think u can ask for a HP Boost.
  10. If that were so... Imagine how long would LMS take to end >.<... u are expecting a huge change 1 str= 30 weight, and u want it to be 1 str= 300 weight... Lets calculate that: 1 str= 30 weight wich is = to 1 berry accordin to RMS (Rate my server) berrys weight is 30, so 300 str = 300 berrys (Clean) 3 tix as u said Now 1str = 300 weight wich is = to 10 berrys, so 300 str = 3k berrys (ITS OVER ONE THOUSAAAAAND) <--- couldnt belive it from the calculator, i had to prove it by myself. And with the fact u want it to make tickets exchange more confortable, lets face it when u trade tickets u arent pvpin, and i prefer to take time exchangin tickets besides takin an hour to kill someone at pvp.
  12. Im tryin small guilds, dont want big guilds for the moment... All i need to know from u guys is if u can rlly break or its just too much talkin and no action...
  13. I agree with the 0.5% drop rate.
  14. LOL ke bn me gustaria estar asi d atareado.

  15. Atareado con ke man?

  16. aco sio palla aguilucho

  17. Todo bn bajo control man tu sabes y tu ke te cuentas?

  18. everythin is cool as u knwo triumph is the new trans now im playin WS for woe cuz i got tired of GS and the guild needed it.

    hope to see u back in game.

  19. yooo brotha where are u man its been a long time.

  20. Im startin usin WS just this week and i find it rlly fun but i agree with the hp boost but seriously i prefer the Tgen effect.
  21. Im with Dr.Tran show off baby Also with Tiago about the name of the player who broke the emp. Show off...
  22. Hm the prize stuff is a good idea but before we talk about prize we got to make this work.
  23. U know there will be always a problem about people complaining by several things they find as a problem that the (GM Team) have to fix in game, if there were a patch to fix the people complaining problem im sure it would be already implemented on game LOL. After that i still find this a great idea for the server and the comunity so people bring your ideas for this suggestion and lets make it work together we can make it.
  24. i think that the qpons return npc could be like the vote redeemer npc it gives the vote qpons even months after u voted and also saves it for u, but i agree with the time range to get the qpons back cuz ppl could start to use the npc as a kind of personal bank. well thats just if the qpons return npc is possible to be implemented on game.
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