I don't know if I'm like old fashioned or anything but I still thing that there should still be some exclusive items and those includes thanatos card, so I disagree on making it a higher drop rate or any aids of gettin the card that easy.
You might say that I disagree because I got a thanatos card, and I just want to add "yes I do got a thana" But guess what "I still do got friends that doesn't got thana" and guess what "Some of them knows that skoll cards exist" and guess what again "a great part of them get's kills easy and are as hard to kill with thana or not, and one of them "Supreamus" still wants a thana card so bad that he doesn't realize that his damage and tactics are great w/o the card, So yeah Congratz Edu I do admire you man cuz you got no complains about this"... So all I wanted to say is that I would not die or complain on wether if I got or not a thana card, for me it's just an addon for pvp wich sometimes makes it annoying because I have to be changing between Incant and Thana wep all the time. :)
No Hate PLEASE. I <3 u all.