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Everything posted by 速い 

  1. You can obtain anything through overmind on this server, Jovan.
  2. Yeah I agree, so like I mentioned above, this should instead be taken as post information all the Emperiums on the wiki.
  3. I read the other thread and yeah I guess it makes sense, the fact that people will constantly try and try and eventually the most optimal build(s) will be known. So I understand why this would be rejected, though I already mentioned in the original post, why not atleast publish Emperium info on the wiki? Everyone's been left in the dark about it. There's no way to confirm what you think about the emperium is right, unless they publish the information on the wiki.
  4. Not much to say, implement a room where breakers are able to attack emps and give feedback on how long it took them to break the emp. It'd also help if there was information listed about the emperiums on the wiki. Meet.
  5. Let's put aside the fact that I said that it'd be harder for newbies to actually obtain such auras. How about the fact that people make guilds, members gain absolute no benefit as it is from woe drops, the drops are just way too rare. Most guilds right now have what they call a drop list, people at the bottom of this list will technically never receive anything for years to come simply because of the high drop rate. In the past guilds like OneSizeFitsAll and Motto, proved that not every guild hoards; I was one of the members and benefited from it and drops were common, leaders were able to pay their members. Also, even if a guild does not work based on a drop list, how do you expect a leader to even pay members instead as an alternative? Currently as I see it, competition in woe is dying due to the fact that it isn't even really that beneficial, which is why you always have this one guild "dominating". And for the person who is ill-informed, I'm not even in Elysian so please don't group me with them and state that I wouldn't be able to look at it from a different standpoint, get your facts straight before you come here and drop that generic bomb on me, low quality posts as such aren't worth reading because it's mentioned in every suggestion you guys don't like. The way I see it, you literally cannot run a guild and expect to pay your members or work based on a drop list with the drop rate of old emps being this low. It's either bring back the old emp drop rate or introduce items similiar as drops (different auras). Meet.
  6. That's a different issue, that's not what we're here to talk about. If you're saying that the emps are now in the price ranges of 4,000 - 9000 tokens, you may want to actually sit down and think about this again. This isn't an issue whereby players are overpricing items because they feel like it, this is because the old emps were made unavailable for a certain time period as well as being introduced back with a .2% drop rate, which is equal to the drop rates of the current rare emps. Fsold's price has increased because the drop rate was decreased, it speaks for itself. The drop in the chance of getting an old emp has directly affected the economy, there's a huge spike in demand for emps. And to address what you were talking about how players are overpricing, that's a general issue across the board, and it's not overpriced by that much. But then again, just don't buy what you're not ready to pay for, it'll eventually decrease in price, no one's going to keep selling at a certain price if they aren't getting anyone to buy it. Meet.
  7. They don't really have a choice, people have acquired emps from years ago, which are now basically recycled from one person to another on the server, which is why the emps are cheaper than emps like red and skyblue but are still ten times more expensive than they were available before. The .2% chance of getting an old emp now makes it so much harder for new players to even acquire emps; the value of the emps itself have soared this high as a result of the drop ratio being decreased. Players are pushed towards buying/selling these emps at these prices because of the demand and how hard it is to acquire now. Also another thing (thanks to Ohki for reminding me, as I wasn't here at the time), the old emps were completely removed as a drop from castles for a certain period of time, which is another reason why the emp prices soared so high. Meet.
  8. It's simple, increase the old emperium aura drop rates. Why? It's already so difficult for new players to actually get anywhere on this server, I was one of them when I came back to fRO last summer. The only reason I got anywhere was because my friends helped me by loaning. If it was anyone else, they'd probably still be almost nowhere right now. The main guilds that currently are at the top of this server most likely won't accept someone who isn't geared. Even if you manage to find a guild, what's the point? Let's take Elysian for example, they have been and still are dominating woe, holding 2-3 castles consistently. Though even they are having troubles meeting the requirements of players, drops are so rare and the fact that an orange emp drop rate is equal to the drop rate of a red emp. A new player at the end of the drop list for a cheap (not even cheap, just considerably more cheaper than a red emp) emp even in Elysian could technically be waiting for more than a year before actually getting a drop. The way drop rates currently work, it's almost impossible for a new player to get fully geared (on our high rate), the amount of effort previously put in by players years ago does not match the same amount of effort that new players need to put in to get geared, it's simply too hard for new players to get anywhere. I'm proposing a change in old emp drop rates, and before you actually -1, don't just post a half-assed comment with no actual reasoning behind it. Meet.
  9. * I don't see no harm in doing this either, besides even with 300 strength stat Whitesmiths/Taekwons, you cannot deal all of the tokens at once sometimes.
  10. Removed Content disabled in some countries. ^_A
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