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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Conner

  1. Yet again, It has been forever ever since we saw a star glad pvp or do any events. I believe that they should really look up into fixing the things that are underplayed.
  2. But solar lunar and stellar should always be accessible though. and the HP being low is litreally low in my perspective at least. because even with gr/tao the hp still ranges around 200k
  3. Ever since I started to play this server I've never seen any Star Gladiators around. Why aren't there a valkyrie weapon for it? At 255/255 Star gladiator doesn't really have much hp. They either get 1 hit by champs or barely live. Maybe tweaking or checking up to this job will suffice. If you have any addition feel free to add. ^_^
  5. Can I join!! ^_^
  6. ^^^^ + 1 Hollister Can I join Guild too. Maybe Bad Dogs. Pls!!!
  7. + 1
  8. Hi! can any gm please tell me what are the names of the headgear for the trick or treat boxes please! :) Thank you! :D PS Great update!
  9. What about Blessed and Cursed Ring for Star Gladiator since Taekwon is different from them.
  10. Can any GM look into this please. :) I really wish that the skill can use all three since it's really underpowered and on other servers that I've been into and this server is growing big so if any GM can read this please. Look into StarGlad I've played Star Gladiator before. Make a solution to it being underplayed.
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