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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Armani

  1. Armani

    3rd classes

    Omg Rune Knights FTW
  2. Evasive to answer your question actually all we do is bring in massive amounts of Fruits & Vegetables mainly. We stock places like Times Market, Walmart, K-mart, Costco, etc. Just a bunch of different places hotels, restaurants, and markets. So everything that gets shipped in, shipped out, gas prices, etc. I deal with the numbers of everything.
  3. Armani


    The Rain Ne-Yo Twenty-seventh of January, I think he died a year ago today. She's crying on my shoulder and begging me to make the hurting go away. Pretty brown eyes, tears full of guilt. A heart full of pain and fear. I want to tell her it's okay but we both know she's the reason he's not here. (mMm) I keep on crying but it doesn't seem to help at all (Seem to help at all) With every single tear drop, it's like another rain drop falls. And I would if I could but the try would be in vain. Said no matter what I do, I can't stop the rain. So I cry (Oooh) I can't stop the rain, stop the rain (Oooh) I can't stop the rain, stop the rain If I could, know I would but the try would be in vain. So I cry oooh, I can't stop the rain, stop the rain. Faded picture in a little gold locket. But she never takes it off. I know its small but its heavy, Cause it's filled with the guilt of knowing she's why his life is lost. I feel bad for her but I'm having mixed emotions. Cause he was a friend of mine. And somewhere in the deepest, darkest part of my mind. I wish it was her that got that knife. (Mm) I keep on crying but it doesn't seem to help at all (Seem to help at all) With every single tear drop, it's like another rain drop falls. And I would if I could but the try would be in vain. Said no matter what I do, I can't stop the rain. So I cry (Oooh) I can't stop the rain, stop the rain (Oooh) I can't stop the rain, stop the rain If I could, know I would but the try would be in vain. So I cry oooh, I can't stop the rain, stop the rain. One rainy Saturday night, a happy anniversary. Celebrating love, champagne all around. They had a little too much to drink. Got in the car and he can barely stand up. So she think if that she drive. Staring at him not the road, sudden jerk on the wheel. And the car flipped about three times. (Mm) I keep on crying but it doesn't seem to help at all (Seem to help at all) With every single tear drop, it's like another rain drop falls. And I would if I could but the try would be in vain. Said no matter what I do, I can't stop the rain. So I cry (Oooh) I can't stop the rain, stop the rain (Oooh) I can't stop the rain, stop the rain If I could, know I would but the try would be in vain. So I cry oooh, I can't stop the rain, stop the rain.
  4. Yes it does.
  5. Hong 10... +1
  6. Armani

    WS nerf

    Technically, yes. But to be blatant and smart. No.
  7. Armani

    WS nerf

    It's not that it should, or shouldn't, be nerfed at all. It's just certain people on this server see it as a 'cheat' way of winning even though items in this game were implemented for a reason. If your items get broken, simply use RSX, Valkyrie, Golem, etc. If you get stripped use Gospel, FCP, etc. If you get Coma'd use GTB. There are variables to everything you do. Just like a famous person once said "What goes up, must come down"
  8. Lol Migayl I'm just really glad I got my paycheck finally. I wanted to do something really big for my fiance this weekend. It only helps that I have the extra cash on the side to do it.
  9. Armani

    WS nerf

    I can actually agree with the WS being nerfed, people can either FCP/RSX. o______o I still think this is a really retarded thread.
  10. Pay Day. Up Close. Chee every 2 weeks either Friday/Saturday is my favorite time of the month, next to the third of each month of course. :D -Edit- Sorry for some of the "blocking" out of some of the things on the check. I'm not willing to show all the private information on it. I think the smart people can understand why. (:
  11. Even in comparison of Unison, Jay. None of the crews on ABDC have anything against Break Dance Crews.
  12. It actually questions how good they are since they are mostly hyped. I think these guys have more talent than the people on ABDC.
  13. Old? You do know Korea just won the BBoy Battle at this years Summit right?
  14. :D Sleep well.
  15. Armani

    WS nerf

    Woo hostility. Anyway I still think FCP is the answer. This is a highrate it's so easy to get items on here, it's not even funny. I don't see it as hard at all. Even getting MVP's is an easy job since you can pretty much summon them with a Professor. o____o` lol
  16. Yeah right. Check out Expressions & Drifterz. (: lol Obawang is 'ok' in my book but I still prefer Drifterz over all of them. Drifterz vs T.I.P (Teamwork is Perfection) Drifterz vs Gamblers My ranking of Break Dancing crews in Korea are Drifterz, Gamblerz, Expressions, T.I.P, and Da KoWEA KWEW (This one was because of their name mostly lol)
  17. Armani

    SNL Skit LOL

    "So I have to dance like a monkey for people like you - a hula hula oh waaaaay" LOL
  18. Armani

    WS nerf

    Lol... FCP. Glistening Coats > WS/Strip It's a HIGHRATE It's easy to get the things you need :D
  19. Armani

    SNL Skit LOL

    http://www.hulu.com/watch/61234/saturday-n...-hawaiian-hotel That is how most of us actually think. It's pretty funny because they depict Hawaii kind of... how it really is. They also depict how people really are when they come to Hawaii.... omg lol X____X The Barack Obama one was the best though. Seriously. LOL HOLY SHIT I CAN WATCH THIS REPEATEDLY AND NEVER GET TIRED OF IT ROFL!!!
  20. Armani : Calintz Jerevinan
  21. Uhh myspace Bulletin much?
  22. Armani


    I agree with Leni, VapoRub, and Nick.
  23. Armani


  24. Armani


    What he means is that he doesn't understand why people are hating on the work he's done for the server, and the server alone. It doesn't make sense to him that he's trying to do something great for the server and all people are doing is hating on his work. He just doesn't want people hating on his work, when there really is no reason to. Jealousy isn't a great reason. That about sums it up.
  25. :D Right. Duel me for coupons! Welcome to the server, hopefully you'll be one of those people that I have a hard time fighting against.
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