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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Armani

  1. Armani


    That's the whole point though I play EVERY class, and I'm proficient at them all. I just noticed that one specific class keeps getting the bucket because of everyone "QQing" about how fast they asura and such. There are draw backs we have to use 3 kiels and a Maya P (which in turn can get us Stone Cursed). Even if we want to full Asura it draws our hp down to 70k at highest which can lead to anyone killing us. If we decide to go High Vit we can't survive an Asura but we can survive against Thana for a little. If we decide to use Raydrics, Thanatos Card/Ice Picks just fuck us over. It's just practice makes perfect for every class, and every class has a draw back. Just because a few people decide to whine over one specific class on a constant, doesn't mean it should be constantly over-looked that the class is becoming a dwindling commute for others.
  2. Armani


    Champs are the only class that got nerfed 3 times in the past "year". So I think it's sensible that they at least reduce the delay back to what it originally was. A few others have felt the delay rise in the Champions class arsenal of attacks including "Throw Spirit Sphere" and "Asura Strike". So... maybe it's not just me? Edit. Regardless if there ISN'T one than I apologize for any further comments. But until I get notification that there wasn't one. I'm just going to leave this argument up in the air for everyone to make a big fuss over.
  3. Armani


    Reduce the delay on Asura/TSS. It's ridiculous how slow you can Asura now. Even with 3 kiels (which is the max you can combine).
  4. Still need to find my Hugh Hefner costume :D
  5. Crono, Limitless, Terminus, Damascus, and Gilgamesh.
  6. Post them up if you have them early, let's see what you guys got! I'll post pictures of me and my girlfriend soon. We already bought the costumes.
  7. I love my baby girl <3 :D
  8. Armani


    Anyone playing? I pre-ordered. :)
  9. My niggah! Shinada I didn't know you looked so good! Other than Lugia (my other niggah). R.I.P. SHINADA I GOIN TO KEEL U HEH!
  10. Because the mind/pen are greater than the sword. Any person can wield a blade and swing that thing. It takes a brilliant mind to be able to get those people to wield that blade FOR you and making the mass of them do it. So preferably Pen/Pencil/Microphone/Speech > Sword.
  11. Flirting with a ton of guys doesn't count while being with someone, Amii. :suicide_anim:
  12. Most of you are to young to understand what "real" love is. Trust me on this the type of things you're feeling in High School are nothing after it. Things get more complicated as you get into the relationship further. You begin to argue more, but can't understand why. You two seem to always have to make up, but in the end of the day you're still kissing and cuddling in bed. Sometimes you guys get into a tiff about who's gonna see who first. But at the end of it you two are STILL seeing each other. Trust me after dating bitches & hoes back in Middle School till High School. It's nothing compared to the person I am dating now. I was lusting after girls not looking for love. Now I'm looking for a woman who I can share my life with, write a new story, and finish the old book. Maybe you guys will say you understand. But you truly won't until it happens. Just trust me when you find the real other half in your life. You'll think back and remember this post. Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage, it does not take offence or store up grievances. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. Never thought I'd see the day where I would believe in this.
  13. Armani


    No matter how long you've been here. I don't care whether you been here since the beginning. It doesn't give you the right to treat other players like shit. Next time you do I'll rub it in your face how something in your life is taking you in the wrong direction to be the next fast food franchise worker. Get ready to make my fries mother fuckers.
  14. Most definitely I listen to his music daily, even before his passing. Go figure.
  15. By far the best answer so far.
  16. So do I but the fact is it's a smart move on Disney & Marvel. Look at how well the "Kingdom Hearts" series did with the FF series. Not saying they'll be added into the functions of it. But what if they came with a new series? Brand new ideas? I think it might be an interesting concept between the 2. Just have to wait and see. I was just surprised that they did but after having a chat with a few real life friends, I came to an agreement that nothing but good can come out of this.
  17. R.I.P. King of Pop!
  18. I'm a little late but here's a sick medley I found.
  19. You guys take shit to seriously. Get over it your life isn't over.
  20. http://kotaku.com/5349341/disney-buys-marvel-for-4-billion Wtf :huh:
  21. Your eyes are beautiful.
  22. I look like I'm 16. While I'm actually 20. The power of youth is strong in me!
  23. Armani

    New Slim PS3

    Pre-ordered one. Waiting on the thing to see if it's better then my original 120 GB PS3. I'll give you guys detailed info.
  24. Armani

    Failing sentence

    Pat you're one of the hugest grammar Nazi's. :thumbsup_anim:
  25. My post was deleted :( lol I wasn't teasing Nikki she's a friend of mine.
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