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Everything posted by lilprince

  1. lilprince

    S> Gold Hod

    S> clean Gold HOD pm dying star
  2. is there any guide in using photoscape?as embarrassing as it sounds, im having a hard time using it :3
  3. Fro is like love, first its a rush, then it gets hard. But in the end, all those hardship turns in to good and fun memories

    1. yanyan16


      www.RoFreeTokens.Yolasite.Com Visit This Site To Get Random100 to up 5,000 Tokens This Free Tokens Is Until July 25 201 Only

  4. ok thanks alot! :)
  5. w what if i dont have a pen tablet? :/
  6. I want to make something for my cover in wattpad etc. but i dont want to use pens and papers.. is there anyways i could use my laptop to draw or edit pics? thanks guys~!
  7. S> Purple Wind milestone L. Dark red Zodiac L. Revolver! Drop your offers or Pm DyingLight
  8. im there btw
  9. ok thanks :)
  10. i'll be more than happy to help you.. in what ever what way i can :3
  11. IG: NaomiTakahara Sniper... thats all
  12. Pm NaomiTakahara Or leave a comment on offers
  13. I'll make it simple, My dream (please don't rage or laugh) is to somehow add a feature to the game i always play ( which is Ragnarok specifically the forsaken server) in which a person can use the game to study , yes study.In other words, to use games as a way or another form of schooling so students could both learn and have fun, :th_swt3: This could also make it simple to launch what other people call as " free schooling for the poor" :th_ok: :th_thx: (and also it may promote the game itself :th_no1: :th_e8: )
  14. Help it was working fine yesterday dunno what happened
  15. LF guild either its woe or social its fine just a guild to grow again with ty
  16. hey what is Fsold card
  17. please make me an emblem! :3 something cool! i want it to be cool, scary and pierce at the same time the name of the guild is Grimoire reapers :) i think i want it to have a black background with something neon blue some kind of symbol or maybe a marking anything as long as it looks cool scary and pierce
  18. hey guys can you make me a cool emblem? my guilds name is Grimoire Reapers i think its a future Woe guild can anyone help me? please? thanks guys! :)
  19. lilprince

    Help :3

    How to gain easy toks in using sniper in just a day? in a day i can only gather about 500-600 tboxes is there any alternatives? help me please :3
  20. thanks i wish people who are supporting us also sponsor's us XD
  21. thanks for the support guys! hope you support use in the game as well! :)
  22. aoi wanna join us?
  23. A guild for both newbies and pros! a guild for socialization. mvp hunting and woe all in one guild! we are still in a working progress though so im hoping for pros to join us! thanks! leave replies of names or hang out at jawaii 176 170 and pm either XxBlackPairxX or Blue Fairy
  24. lilprince

    Newbie Here

    GUYS! please help T^T how can i get rich? can you give me the options here? please? i cant understand what i have to do..... i have a sniper that can farm in abyss03 slow i was also wondering wether i should make a sinx ? i only have 28 toks here can anyone give me advices and tips? thanks!
  25. S> MVP PETS 5 mvp pets for 45 toks! mistress Ifrit gtb piamette and moonlight flower! pm x10thOfSpadesx
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