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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Adamxd

  1. Adamxd

    Euro Woe?

    If you have 40 players online but they are not good at pvping so yeah. Its better to have 20 but pro players heh. Amount doesnt mean quality. You only posted it because your guild lost it, and you had many players online and still couldnt defend that. I hope this post wont be deleted as last one.
  2. Adamxd

    New Event

    600k per hit, you mean one hit one kill? Cuz its easy to have700-800k. Btw PD and fatty cant do anything, or hes pro 300luk,300dex etc? But i like this idea
  3. Adamxd

    Super Breaker?

    Such a pointless topic, the question is not why so pro, its why so lucky?
  4. Adamxd

    Ygg Event

    Problem is that sometimes gm team completly forgets about cool suggestions, like with these lms forms or eg boosting Raws where most of players agreed. Ikr you are just people but we have to discuss some topics 2-3 times, every discussion is same and its just wasting time.
  5. Yes my solution is fine, just add bloody branch for 5 vote coupons to npc vote reward and it's done, isn't it? You can go and summon MVP wherever you want
  6. I dont agree with prices for each MVP, people will summon only most worthy mvps, I suggest that it should be lottery what MVP you summon and same price. Easier is just add blokad branch to vote reward npc for eg5 vote coupons, we dont need special map for summons
  7. Adamxd

    Ygg Event

    I disagree, i would prefer different types of LMS like all champs in one team vs sinx in one team etc , or allowing party, or eg LMs for only sinx, pallies etc etc. They can do it without any scripts, interfering in data, maybe gms dont have imagination idk.
  8. One word DISAGREE
  9. Adamxd

    New Event Item

    We have already slot + reduction. And kiels are not useful for breakers during woe so they can easily have f soldier+ removing trap skill - OP.
  10. Adamxd

    New Event Item

    What about when you are atacked 5% chance to disconnect your opponent? Dat GUd? ::::::::::)))))))))) Btw i dont really get this wiwis food. I Want NYH back. NoW. I want LORD Vader Mask!!! +10 too being pro. Now seriously I agree with Nines and this hat looks fine for me, however blessing and agi 10lvl hmm not too much? How about 5lvl.
  11. Adamxd

    New Event Item

    AH I would just bring back NYH [ New years Hat]
  12. Adamxd

    De-refine Npc

    I can agree.
  13. I totally disagree, clown IMO is really strong with f guitar.
  14. According to what nines said, I think most people are voting to get scarfs so maybe add them as event reward?
  15. Well I'm pretty sure there is possibility to block Ip, I mean everyone can vote once for one account within 12 hours.
  16. I think it could help server, and people who starts playing actually, but it could ruin economy a bit, so I wanna see your opinions.
  17. Yea finally I could show some people how they suck badly heh. Honestly like someone said GM hostin event can do it on his own without changing anything in server/ database etc.
  18. U mean all champs in one team, sinx in one etc or LMS only for champs etc?
  19. How about Event reward - sex change = 20 event qpz
  20. I find it fine, I'm the one who buys fcp tixes, so they'd be cheaper:)
  21. Adamxd


    Btw it wont be good for not well EquipEd players, and people without devotion/ big strong party. I know what you mean, now this Rokr got 800/720 or sth like this, but well look at him. He doesnt have strong Party or devo, so hes fighting with 2x ol + full asura. 2 points of view hard to say which is good.
  22. Could be fun;p
  23. Bump for this topic.
  24. Watching Top Gear
  25. Adamxd

    Lk Weapon

    I'm cool with this.
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