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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Adamxd

  1. BUMP
  2. BUMP
  3. Axe of odysessus is Op with these stats lower them and will be cool! Drunk Madox Hat Obtained by: 100 tokens in F ROOM. Item Name: Drunk Madox Hat Description: Special hat which makes you feeling godlike, unstoppable Cost: (cost in tokens, event tokens, etc.) Equipped in: upper headgear Defense: 5 Weight: 60 Slots: 0 Stats: all +30, immunity to stone curse. Possible Sprite: Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. Uunfair? Unfair are 1h bows.
  6. S> Champion Dorcus [700] or pally hallberd Clown Soaring Bird [700] or pally hallberd 2x Forsaken Mace[15]each Forsaken Knux[20] Forsaken 1h Lk Spear[15] Forsaken Cloak +0 [90] 2x Hollowring Card[7]each 2x Orc Lord Card[13]each Lady Tanne Card[15b Fallen Bishop Hibram Card[25] Leave offer here, ing Madox|Super Veloce|I Maricon|Matsuya
  7. Yea we talk about shield chain right? adding property
  8. No because currently it's impossible, unless you are great scripter. And like people always say, palladin is defensive/supporting class not atacking,
  9. Palladins should have high defence, because they suck in offense.
  10. I suggest to reactivate reductions in: santa poring, refined deviling etc. However not for every class. IMO for: sinx, gunslinger, palladin, ninja.
  11. kurwa mać, plecy mnie napierdalają;./

  13. anyone playing KO on carnac west? PM ME!

  14. 750
  15. Adamxd

    S> Dorcus

  16. As above. Leave name here or ing Matsuya, Madox, I Maricon
  17. Dorcus+clown sb = SGW+100
  18. B>CHAMP DORCUS[900]
  19. Now its much easier to get such a things like these... Everything its damn cheap.
  20. 800+f mace+f bow+red glasses+ sun aurora+ proff book+ f ARMOR +0
  21. Pally hallberd+100+f mace+f bow+red glasses+ sun aurora+ proff book.
  22. Adamxd


    I disagree because i have all belts which I need (12) and then I'd need like 4? If you give me back 800 tokens for 8 belts I will agree.
  23. Matyr build pally heh tell me which pally's build can kill clown lol
  24. 1000.
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