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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by gennova

  1. If anyone try to join us prepare yourself to become poor because this guy won't pay any salary and just chassing skirt all day long.
  2. Your Signature pic is outdated. It should be Young Meat since Do'Flaminggo will die soon /gg And help me tell Jon to stop his mischief
  3. Its unfair on me T_T (I main Prof & Bio & Wiz) ~~~~> The Wiz was the suckest class on my account after this update.
  4. Well at least its my choice to not attend any event or even stop playin and no one got the right to stop me to do so. If my friend got affacted by my choice so be it. And I won't force you to join or not join too. If you say this is playin dirty so be it too. Not like I lost anything by it. I couldn't careless. Ok, let's stop this meaningless talk and back to the suggestion. I already give my reason as for why I support this suggestion and whether this is accepted or not its up to GM team to decide. For the recommendation time from me is Saturday 10:00 AM server time.
  5. Sorry if our action not joining event just because we cant form a complete 8 man in 1 PT including me bring 3 char already was hurting your side. Truth to be told whether you believe it or not, in morning its just 3 or 4 people online from our side counting me and jon who was play while working so we can AFK on the middle of event without warning.
  6. Kelly I did think you are wrong too when you say things like this. Let's not turn a video game into a bloody hatred. When you made a suggestions you need a reason to backing it up. Well I can help you 'bout the reason why I want to support this suggestion too. There is some people including me who have other activities at this hour (I'm working) hoping they can join the event too. Well I did can join sometimes when my boss not arround. But if I can join BR at home while not working that would be great. Since I can enjoy the event more since I'm not under presure or AFK in the middle of event like I usually did because its working time and I slacking off. Not to mention my office net suck so I got DC alot. Sure BR can start even with just 16 player, but like party the more the merrier. Just like WoE got Asian time and just recently GvG have Asian times too, maybe hoping that BR would get the same treatment wasn't wrong right?
  7. Well its just sarcasm because I'm dissapointed with this update about bolt. LOL I play 3 char and all of them was int type which is Prof, Bio, and HWiz. Did you know how I feel about this update? Now I'm lazy to playin. And I didn't want to switch class cause I love magic
  8. LOL this update makes me giving up on using bolt. As many ppl already default on GTB so I just go staving everyday. +1 anyway. Its like 1 sec 1 bolt when I test it
  9. The statement I put on bold was the statement I have agreement with as for why I support this sugestion. Because the announcement can be only read by those who inside, so thats mean you need to active inside and enter the room as much as possible. And the event trigger randomly, makes no one knows which time the event would start.
  10. Don't forget that arrow vulcan face the same problem. Well in programmer point of view, making the Soul Link on SinX class can't be dispelled is kinda ..., so for the sake of our argument whether this sugestion passed or not, the best and simple modification is to give L.Katar or Kitty Claw the Soul Link buff itself. Which mean even if you got dispeled you can rebuff it yourself. And with this, it doesn't make the effort of dispelling a buffed SinX gon3 to waste either.
  11. Well I'm more into balance build rather then glass canon one. But yeah, maybe someone out here really love playing full tanker type.
  12. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you all ~~~
  13. gennova

    Orig Pink Myth

    S> Original Pink Mythical Flame 2.6K
  14. Well aside from that aura look, giving another delay reducer other then Kiel will bring rage all over since spam speed become a highlight now. While another delay reducer other then Kiel was being disabled one by one like Uber Drops, Expert Ring, Snipping Suit, and High Priest Cape, its not wise to add a new one right? 5% reduce damage taken by demi-human if you want to make an aura for tanker other then Mythical Flame and Skull Aura that we currently have, then I propose to make it 10% reduce damage from demi-human. So this is my suggestion for the effect +20 All Stat, 10% reduce damage from demi-human, 5% HP/SP, and ofcourse 1 slotted like any other auras. As for the price I preffer to be 30$ or 40$ worth (I would love to donate this ^_^).
  15. I see sniper still spam their FAS like there is no tomorrow as well. Might check this things out
  16. Wut o.O First time I know about this. Never try to sell something on NPC while having token on inventory.
  17. +1 Too lazy to type anything
  18. He mean making an vote expansion helm like vote noble hat I think.
  19. Well at least solved the problem with transaction less then 30k tokens. So +1 from me
  20. Well my wish might bring rage for US and Canada player. But this is just a wish anyway let's not raging over it. I hope there is a Saturday GvG as well like Sunday 10.00 AM GvG time XD Or maybe BR since we have 2 BR. So maybe make one BR in 10.00 AM on Saturday server time.
  21. LOL I try to troll ppl like this b4. But yeah I'm agree with you. I didn't see any reason why that room have pvp feature while most of ppl who entered that room are newbie or low leveled character.
  22. LOL Well things become even more dangerous as we speak
  23. nope sorry
  24. Selling: +0 Orange Sacred Wing 2x Vit Belt Reply offer here or PM me in game
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