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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ryoji

  1. That sure is responsible of you..
  2. maybe. it'd be fun to play with you again. ;)

  3. ever coming back?

  4. Vamo’ alla Flamenco - Nobuo Uematsu Distant Worlds He's so awesome in person ;___;
  5. Last time I checked, yes. <3 Decent for using on mvps.
  6. I think I could get used to this. Except, I think I missed a few phases.
  7. This is making me feel old.. I'm going to stop coming to this thread.
  8. There is no such thing as true, only persuasive infatuation.
  9. I keep listening to that pornstar song, and it's all your fault!

  10. For you? I could be. ;D
  11. just lurking around

    how about you?

    just checkin in?

  12. Damn your taste in music. );

  13. Don't forget to mention your perfect Sunday! btw, I like long walks on the beach <3 o wait. Maybe you shouldn't do that. ):
  14. Ryoji


    I so want my name credited in the description.. D;
  15. Ryoji


    something else entirely different, I hope. xP Too many emp aura's as is. WAIT. MAYBE...A rainbow emp!? Or like a multi colored one, or one that shimmers as you walk? =X!
  16. Ryoji


    I beat you, har har. Ninja'd.
  17. Ryoji


    Most likely in the future, however it'll only come most likely chance if the server's number of players increases. No point in adding more castles for less guild competition unless there's more guilds/players to fight over it.
  18. I hope you're still hitting that shit, men.

  19. Ryoji

    PK System

    No delay... I'd be more for making more specific spots no pvp.. A 3 second delay, especially for a newer player can be more of a hindrance then a blessing. You don't like being pk'd? Find a new spot, it's a big map.
  20. Ryoji

    Looking for guild!

    Those Who Die Alot Oh wait, wrong server. Sorry kid.
  21. I kno, wat wud we do if they thought a player was missin? omg, he's gone! o wait, he's just bathing. :) woo~ close call.
  22. I like to quad client, and afk infront of people with my chats :)
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