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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ryoji

  1. Its all I think about when I see you. srry.

  2. Ryoji


    Ya. So shut up. Lol. Thread contradiction! Dun dun dun!
  3. Ryoji

    I'm SORRY MAN!

    You still have my love.

  4. I want moar pics of Icon, pls. That men is the definition of sxc.
  5. Ryoji


    Mostly because, thana's are slow and most people in survival just run from them. And when it spawns lhz monsters most of them are only in the center, so you're only getting attacked by few. So the mimics, since there's so many of them kind of are for an overwhelming attack. Or so I'm guessing. At least it looks that way if you have the connection to see it.
  6. Yeh. Or just be safe and choose neither. Whichever is real will come back to you eventually. Lol. If you don't kill yourself!
  7. Ryoji


    Okay, so maybe I need to work on my lyrics.

  8. Friendship, but real love always wins. No exceptions.
  9. Ow. I misread the title hardcore. For awhile I thought this was called "Fucking my Younger Brother: Fucking Awesome" Ouch. Sorry man. I guess that's pretty gay of me, just thought I'd say.
  10. Hey, is that Hayley Williams?
  11. Ryoji


    I don't think people can be held responsible for lag. So, I can't say I agree with this. But, I think it's pretty irrelevant too. I'd be more happy with larger thana / lhz spawn when you do them.
  12. one year gayer, lol. kidding. you know i'm gay for you. <3

  13. My most recent one. Probably going to change soon anyways.
  14. Ryoji

    Snap And Backslide :d

    These should get nerfed for what? Running away? Lolno. For one, if this were to happen you'd have to nerf anything that gives you a speed boost too. Nerf speed pots, badges, BoT, emergency avoid, and moar while you're at it. CAUSE PPL KEEP GETTING AWAY FROM ME )= !!! Not to mention lets delay warping away again, that way those n00bs can't get away at all. Harhar. +1 Me. End. Every time they try adding a delay no matter how small, most the time it has a huge backlash. LMS and stuff is fine the way it is, if you take more then 30 minutes to fight it's your own fault for running. No one wins, etc. It's not like LMS is only held once a day.
  15. Ryoji

    srry i dn tlk 2 nwfg's. k.

  16. Ryoji


    Don't mess up.

  17. Ryoji

    No d***

  18. Ryoji

    dun look @ me.

    u r not worthy.

  19. His is so not bigger.

    Well, only by a lil'

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