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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ryoji

  1. He's 21 now, so let's all get plastered! HEY~O!
  2. Happy birthday man. It's almost time for us to hit the bars! Haha!

  3. Happy birthday again. 09' this time.

  4. Non Stop Crying - A bunch of Girls
  5. Ryoji

    Meh, Might As Well.

    I remember starting off in MS Paint. Doing some 8-bit work. Lol! Man, once you start there's only one way to go. & That's up.
  6. Ryoji

    To You Newbs.

    Reflect or Neutral reducts. Dun lyke it? Stop standing there and letting them do it. Lolz. Men, this is rant thread. Nothing here is positive. *Makes Rant about how he had such a WONDERFUL DAY* Srsly. Haha. Ppl have qq'd forever about ppl who run, warp, gang, etc etc. Ur nothin special. ;o n' i dun say i'm better then any1. i just let them kno, thy cn do betta. cuz thy arn't doin gud. "Sir, I suck at pvp. How I fix?" "Stop sucking" "OMG! qq !!! " You can take anything and make it sound so negative & I may be a bit blunt for sayin it' and all. But, really. If people learned to play. There'd be nothing to complain about! HARHAR. It's like a playground full of kids. Jeeeeez.
  7. Ryoji

    To You Newbs.

    Or you could learn how to play, and stop getting beaten by inexperienced players. Potentially much like yourself? Then again, some of us would rather put energy into complaining & blaming others then into potential. =) P.S. Newb Pro Thread has been made before. -1 Originality. Lol. Kidding. But yeah, been done.
  8. Ryoji

    Meh, Might As Well.

    Protip: ilu..not rly. p.s. they are kay. not omg, but kay.
  9. non nt a chnc, srs naow. k?

  10. Y u look at muh page, gurl??/

  11. sup nig'?

    u fkn' hmosxl

  12. Hey, you're rediculiously good looking. You should do that for a career.

  13. I remember seeing you once and I went

  14. Ryoji


    Man. You say verterans are assholes. You're a veteran. And an asshole. Cause you're bitching about people. Fuckin' hypicrit. Lol! Also, I has me an edumacation. But appearantly I'm not the one who pisses myself at attempting to think. >= qq a river pl0x? L2Read
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