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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ryoji

  1. Ryoji

    Valkyrie Randgris

    I agree 150%. Maybe drop it down to .5% or lower for that class specifically. Not that many classes use valk with that high of damage output as is. So why give them a better advantage then everyone else? So, with my vote. I say yes. I see no downside other then balance.
  2. oops. sorry. didn't mean to post here. Thought this was that hawtie hate me thread. =(
  3. Ryoji



  4. Ryoji

    Watching you break down from the overwhelming pressure that will soon be adulthood.

    Cuz i'll be there silently giggling to myself. LOL.

  5. Ryoji

    What? You call that fun. That's gross.

  6. Ryoji

    still just a kid.

  7. Ryoji


    Well. GM managed or not, it can be player hosted in all simplicity. A GM would only be really required if you only want it recorded somehow, or to enforce rules. However, there really wouldn't be many rules... I mean, really. Why would you really need a GM? It'd kind of just be a way to gloat about who's the best, or a way for more free tickets to those who are already rich. I don't remember, but I think I suggested something like this a long time ago. Something about limited items, like you get 20 points to spend and each item including equips is a point. Or something, then the GM's would de-buff you and take you somwhere in a 3 man team. Then they'd check your items and equips, etc. Sort of a neat tournament. Rejected though. I think. Either way, this would totally be optional. But has been done. Nothing new.
  8. Ryoji


    This has been done before. It takes fricking forever to organize, which is why it's usually special. So it's usually just simple to keep it player hosted, instead of GM. That way you can just post a message on the forum and ask for contestants. Then apply betting if you wish. Iono. The GM's may use it for a special event soon. Who really fricking knows. I miss having the special event of a party tournament. 3 person teams. Limited items. Oh ho ho ho.

  10. I said stay off my page! GRAWR!

  11. or ya kno be super lazy and make a sniper ftw. slower, but it's lazy man's mvping.
  12. Ryoji


    Well, I think you`re obnoxious And I think that you stink I think you`re a moron A slob, and a fink You`re one of the biggest turkeys I know And that is the reason I`m going to Throw gravy on you And throw gravy on you And throw gravy, gravy on you-ou-ou-ou-ou [Weird Al - Gravy on You]
  13. FBH P.S. That's linked.
  14. sometimes...I like to take my super novice out for an mvp run
  15. stay off my god damn page, nga.

  16. so I see you're new here. or don't have the comprehension to understand complete sentences. hi2u.
  17. I'm fine with this item as it is. However, I think it'll be nerfed/removed/replaced eventually. So I'd not pay for one. Lol. So many people lost money on buying nyh's to make this a worthwhile investment. If you got one, great. If not, it may not be worth your hassle.
  18. Ryoji


    Eh El Oh El. You're back. Har. Can I recall some memories? Yes. Are they pleasant? Oh, man. Not kewl.
  19. Forsaken Shield is not required to be used to get the set bonus. Just saying. So the shield is almost a seperate equip of it's own.
  20. Ryoji


    Oh. Wow. .Great. ..Super. ...Fantastic. ....Excellent. .....Awesome. .......Cool. .......Sychadelic. .....Delightful. ....Shibby. ...Shwing. ..Bitching. .Neat. Good.
  21. Emilie Autumn - Face The Wall
  22. My favorite sword? The strongest sword of them all. Nothing short of the legendary... Excalipur !!! "To Brother Gil Bro, I found the sword, like you told me. But there were two. One of 'em had a lame name, Something II. It was a dingy, old thing with flashy decorations, something you'd probably like. So I went with Excalipur. I'll be back after I find the Tin Armor."
  23. Ryoji

    Meh, Might As Well.

    LOL WTF?! Why are you guys talking about me. I swear it's not my fault Dart. Also, yeah I hope you get PS again. I'm pushing on updates for CS4, pls.
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