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Nas last won the day on September 29 2018

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    Dewatanion of brasilisios
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    Anime. Pokemon. ForsakenRo. Food. Sleep. Car. Girl. Rain. Friends. Avenged savenfold.

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  1. Nas

    Assorted headgears

    I'm not against it. It's not unnecessary nerfed at the 1st place, so yeah !
  2. 1. Get your guild numbers, then tk/sg user for your side gonna be good. It's all about "kihop" for both classes.(and ping *cough*) 2. Star glad are glass cannon class, without devo they're squishy asf. While tk for em to be effective they need to rank their ass up to top10. (everything has their pros and cons) 3. Lower of def? Like negative def? Lulz 4. If we gonna talk about imba damage, then champion is the winner. With end game items on it, it's like walking grim reaper(anything passed it basically ded). (50% people was on 2ol for this reason) *with unneeded of kihop
  3. -[Memories]- "There are those people who come into your life and after they're gone, you just know your testimony will never be complete without them" There's so many words to describe how much those memories are meant to me. I've grown up, either sorrow nor joyful together as friends. Sadly I've got no guts to say "hi" to them even i want to, I don't want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again . You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten. Good old days
  4. Nas

    OP range classes

    Buff a sniper is not an good option i would say, it was an AOE damage(FAS) it just could be another broken killer machine. But DS is doable for buff, the DPS for Ds is bit low compared to other ranged skill (arrow vulcan as example). It's good on pvp scene . Regarding whitesmith i'd still say it was broken. As previous persons stated, it was counterable by high priest card (assumptio) and pnuema card. The thing is the damage itself was around 90-100kish. I faced some ws, it tooks me around 5,6 hit for assumptions, either i died by that superfast spam no i burned my seeds. We didn't even talked about vulnerabilities to stone cursed while with ship captain hat & variations of it, unlike other ranged class can at least counterable by puppetring. Gs is okay, though i feel unfairness toward gs. They got so many nerfed, delay,sp consumption,hp. But at other side they were glass cannon range anw. So it's cooh
  5. Nice update. But i don't think gunslinger need nerf, gunslinger class already dead by previous nerf, the delay between pots and spam. But yeah, overall those headgear are awesome.
  6. Nas

    Pet Evolution

    Yeah if that possible why not. +1
  7. "It's better to burn out than fade away"
  8. "I'm always searching for someone, for something. This feeling has possessed me, i think from that day.. That day when the stars came falling. It was almost if.. As if a scene from a dream. Nothing more nothing less than a beautiful view"
  9. One day you'll leave this world behindSo live a life you will remember.
  10. Yeh i do sleepy at the moment. Tpbm is a virgin
  11. Nas

    Count To Infinity

    8 9 3
  12. At the other side i think you can report those kind of people(mental harassment). To ignored their pms, broadcast and deals it will be all yours (by using /ex name chara) or without it, just be a douche or stone hearted. Glhf
  13. +1 couldn't said much, it is OverPowered. Afaik class here shouldn't be 1hit K.O, it's not like 1ps game that can be headshots by a certain job. So ye ! Nerf it a bit
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